(映维网Nweon 2024年11月06日)Meta曾在今年6月宣布正式与MR视频录制工具LIV合作。现在,LIV推出了一个相应的Unity SDK,在实现后,用户就能够在Quest录制MR视频。 值得一提的是,《Gorilla Tag》将提供支持。 开发者可以在游戏中实现LIV Creator Kit(LCK),从而允许Meta Quest用户录制自己的MR视频。 默认集成带来了一...
《Gorilla Tag》将提供支持 (映维网Nweon 2024年11月06日)Meta曾在今年6月宣布正式与MR视频录制工具LIV合作。现在,LIV推出了一个相应的UnitySDK,在实现后,用户就能够在Quest录制MR视频。 值得一提的是,《Gorilla Tag》将提供支持。 开发者可以在游戏中实现LIV Creator Kit(LCK),从而允许Meta Quest用户录制自己的M...
创建此项目是为了学习VR游戏GorillaTag的移动方式。详细教程源自Justing P Barnett老师的视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D2bN7xL5us且有如下GorillaTag的移动源码:https://github.com/Another-Axiom/GorillaLocomotionUP简评:好玩!, 视频播放量 439、弹幕量 0、
A unity project to create your own maps for the MonkeMapLoader mod for Gorilla Tag.This guide is pretty long and in-depth, so make sure to read it thoroughly. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to join the Gorilla Tag Modding Discord to ask....
RoomJoinedArgs e) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Private room: {e.isPrivate}, Gamemode: {e.Gamemode}"); } private void RoomLeft(object sender, Events.RoomJoinedArgs e) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Private room: {e.isPrivate}, Gamemode: {e.Gamemode}"); } } }...
I make cosmetics for gorillla tag, but the problem was I didn’t have a player model. I found the model for blender but I think using unity was easier, the problem was nobody had made a fbx for the model. So i made it for people who are interested in making cosmetics for gorilla...
usingSystem;usingBepInEx;usingUtilla;namespaceExamplePlugin{[BepInPlugin("org.legoandmars.gorillatag.exampleplugin","Example Plugin","1.0.0")][BepInDependency("org.legoandmars.gorillatag.utilla","1.5.0")]// Make sure to add Utilla as a dependency!publicclassExamplePlugin:BaseUnityPlugin{voi...