Utilla 1.5.0 brings support for custom gamemodes to Gorilla Tag. A mod can register custom gamemodes through the[ModdedGamemode]attribute, and will appear next to the default gamemodes in game. [BepInPlugin("org.legoandmars.gorillatag.exampleplugin","Example Plugin","1.0.0")][BepInDependen...
CPU Performance Testing Super PI Modded 1.5 “In August 1995, the calculation of pi up to 4,294,960,000 decimal digits was succeeded by using a supercomputer at the University of Tokyo. The program was written by D.Takahashi in collaboration with Dr.Y.Kanada at the computer center. This r...
Super PI Modded 1.5 “In August 1995, the calculation of pi up to 4,294,960,000 decimal digits was succeeded by using a supercomputer at the University of Tokyo. The program was written by D.Takahashi in collaboration with Dr.Y.Kanada at the computer center. This record should be the cu...