《Gorilla Tag》将提供支持 (映维网Nweon 2024年11月06日)Meta曾在今年6月宣布正式与MR视频录制工具LIV合作。现在,LIV推出了一个相应的Unity SDK,在实现后,用户就能够在Quest录制MR视频。 值得一提的是,《Gorilla Tag》将提供支持。 开发者可以在游戏中实现LIV Creator Kit(LCK),从而允许Meta Quest用户录制自己的...
《Gorilla Tag》将提供支持 (映维网Nweon 2024年11月06日)Meta曾在今年6月宣布正式与MR视频录制工具LIV合作。现在,LIV推出了一个相应的UnitySDK,在实现后,用户就能够在Quest录制MR视频。 值得一提的是,《Gorilla Tag》将提供支持。 开发者可以在游戏中实现LIV Creator Kit(LCK),从而允许Meta Quest用户录制自己的M...
A unity project to create your own maps for the MonkeMapLoader mod for Gorilla Tag.This guide is pretty long and in-depth, so make sure to read it thoroughly. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to join the Gorilla Tag Modding Discord to ask....
创建此项目是为了学习VR游戏GorillaTag的移动方式。详细教程源自Justing P Barnett老师的视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D2bN7xL5us且有如下GorillaTag的移动源码:https://github.com/Another-Axiom/GorillaLocomotionUP简评:好玩!, 视频播放量 439、弹幕量 0、
I found the model for blender but I think using unity was easier, the problem was nobody had made a fbx for the model. So i made it for people who are interested in making cosmetics for gorilla tag and seeing how it will look on their gorilla body. License: CC AttributionCreative ...
usingSystem;usingBepInEx;usingUtilla;namespaceExamplePlugin{[BepInPlugin("org.legoandmars.gorillatag.exampleplugin","Example Plugin","1.0.0")][BepInDependency("org.legoandmars.gorillatag.utilla","1.5.0")]// Make sure to add Utilla as a dependency!publicclassExamplePlugin:BaseUnityPlugin{voi...
tag of $1500 on each Rwanda gorilla permit, you are sure your money is going to be put into good use. In other words, tracking Rwanda gorillas is one way of giving back the gorillas and the communities within. Over 80% of the Rwanda gorilla trekking permit fees is used for mountain ...
No category set. hacker gorillatag JonjonIDK, Gggorilla, Funny man and 43 others liked this model 40 comments You must log in to comment. Log in to comment Baboon Planet (@Baboonplanet) a month ago me after i get 2000+ errors in unity Reply braydenbrackett007 (@braydenbrackett007) 2...
For references, create a Libs folder in the same folder as the project solution. Inside of this folder you'll need to copy:0Harmony.dll BepInEx.dll BepInEx.Harmony.dll from Gorilla Tag\BepInEx\plugins, andAssembly-CSharp.dll PhotonRealtime.dll PhotonUnityNetworking.dll UnityEngine.dll ...