If you think hide-and-seek inGorilla Tag gamesis fun, wait until you try it in the dark! The Night Modemodplunges the map into darkness, making every game a spine-tingling adventure. Perfect for those who love a good scare. What it adds:Increased difficulty, more suspense, unique gamepl...
《Gorilla Tag》是由Kerestell Smith开发的一款抢先体验的免费VR游戏,其特点是结合有趣的移动方式和社交玩法,目前已经登录Steam和SideQuest两个应用商店。据悉,该作用户数量在上线仅两周就突破5.4万人。本周,开发商宣布为该游戏添加新Mod,内含几十张新地图。《Gorilla Tag》的玩法简单独特,玩家将扮演用手臂行走...
how do i add the mods to g tag Co0perEisenlohr member 0 kudos 18 July 2024, 10:35PM if ur on pc download monkey mod manager open it select the mods in tutorials go to plugins folder and add the mods there aaron2713 member 0 kudos 21 January 2024, 7:49PM how2open Chick...
4月27日消息,开发者legoandmars为多人VR游戏《Gorilla Tag》,推出第三方地图加载mod:The Monk Map。通过该mod,玩家可以在游戏中运行25个第三方关卡,场景包括纽约市、国际空间站、我的世界、超级马里奥64、塞尔达传奇:时之笛等等。 结合《Gorilla Tag》特色的移动方式,和经典地图和游戏场景,你将体验到与众不同的VR...
Monke Mod Manager Let's turn on auto-pilot for mods in Gorilla tag. Monke Mod Manager will keep installing custom mods into the game once you installed it. It will do all the necessary things to improve your gameplay and to make sure you enjoy the game. By hitting the button below, Yo...
借助“Gorilla Tag 模组和皮肤”,踏上进入 Gorilla Tag 核心的激动人心的旅程,它是您将普通游戏玩法转变为非凡冒险的终极伴侣。 深入探索一个鼓舞人心的系列,其中充满了猴子主题的同人游戏和动画的不拘一格的组合,每一个都旨在为您的游戏体验注入创造力和刺激。通过广
View All Mild Fantasy Violence In-Game Purchases, Users Interact Ratings Gorilla Tag Global player ratings 4973 ratings 53% 3% 8% 2% 34% Reject Humanity. Run, climb, and jump in VR using a unique locomotion method that only needs the movement of your hands and arms. No buttons...
Gorilla Tag Mod Developer Documentation. This is meant to be read via Google Docs: https://monkemods.xyz Markdown 1 Repositories Loading Type Language Sort Showing 1 of 1 repositories docs Public Gorilla Tag Mod Developer Documentation. This is meant to be read via Google Docs: https...
Make sure that "Show all .NET Core Templates in the New Project Dialog" is checked. The template should then appear in Visual Studio Templates, under "Gorilla Tag Mod". Parameters Project Name is used as the name of the mod. Do not put spaces in the project name, as it will prevent ...
Gorilla Tag EULA 语言: 界面完全音频字幕 简体中文不支持 英语✔ 名称:Gorilla Tag 类型:动作,休闲 开发商:Another Axiom Inc. 发行商:Another Axiom Inc. 发行日期:2023 年 1 月 1 日 抢先体验发行日期:2021 年 2 月 12 日 访问网站Discord