Corning will argue that sapphire may be more scratch resistant, but it’s also more likely to shatter when dropped. Sapphire is harder, not necessarily stronger. The counter to that argument is that sapphire is much less likely to get scratched and while a perfect Gorilla Glass 3 screen might...
In the battle of glass versus concrete, concrete will almost certainly prevail, but when paired up against a sapphire screen, the rock is unable to make a scratch. The same test with Gorilla Glass 2 quickly results in a marred screen. Of course, price means we won't see sapphire replace ...
So, making “glass” from aluminium oxide isn’t all that different, even if we call it sapphire when we do so. Sure, Al2O3 is much more expensive than SiO2 (the latter is literally beach sand, the former is $300 a tonne or more). And the processing costs are higher too. Those ...
The study concluded that while sapphire was 25% stronger than Gorilla Glass and more scratch resistant, it also showed a tendency to shatter when dropped from just three feet; Gorilla Glass requires three times the force to shatter. In this case, being thin and brittle actually worked ag...
Repair experts at uBreakiFix have examined the impact resistance, scratch resistance and strength of sapphire glass in a series of tests that were...
Sapphire has uses in camera lens and these morons are still talking about the strength of sapphire as a screen glass. I am sure apple will surprise them with sapphire totally different usage. Yes, maybe it will have other ways to be used, BUT still yes, Apple WILL ...
In what seems to be a response directed at rumors saying upcoming smartphones, including Apple's iPhone, will switch from Gorilla Glass to sapphire as a cover material, Corning put its latest generation product to the test in a bid to show the material i
USB Type-C, 3.5mm Audio Jack – 4500mAh 電池 (支援30W 快速充電) – 防水 (IPX5/IPX8)、防塵 (IP6X) – 166 x 72 x 8.9mm – 重量 211g 1338 applewatch吧 Justin⚡ 普及一下蓝宝石玻璃和Ion-X玻璃的区别蓝宝石(Sapphire)的宣传点是防刮(scratch resistance),但相较 Ion-X 而言,它仍是「易碎...
Sapphire is actually a crystalline form of aluminum oxide, that could make phones’ screens 3x harder to break and 3x more resistant to scratches than current Gorilla Glass screens. It’s the reason why Apple uses it for their iPhone 5 cameras, too. There’s only one small...
Sapphire Glass is already used in the miltary - for vehicles - and some other sectors, such as on quality watches as the face plate. Sapphire crystal can also be found in use in the iPhone 5, as the surface of the iSight camera lens. It is super strong, being harder ...