GORE‑TEX 鞋品 備受信賴的舒適體驗和防護性能。專為日常戶外休閒活動打造。 GORE‑TEX SURROUND® 鞋品 兼具360° 透氣性和持久防水保護,專為溫暖環境或高強度活動打造。 GORE‑TEX INVISIBLE FIT 鞋品 提供「保證讓您乾爽」承諾,確保鞋子真正合腳,舒適貼合。
GORE–TEX 手套具有持久防水和持久防風性能,專為應對各種天氣狀況而打造,是雪上運動、摩托車運動、跑步和自行車騎行的理想之選。
GORE-TEX Product ranges bring totally windproof, breathable, and water-resistant to durably waterproof protection and comfort to a wide range of outdoor activities.
GORE-TEX Product ranges bring totally windproof, breathable, and water-resistant to durably waterproof protection and comfort to a wide range of outdoor activities.
GORE-TEX keeps you warm and dry with waterproof and windproof technology that performs in the harshest conditions. Shop Marmot for the protection you need.
GORE-TEX Product ranges bring totally windproof, breathable, and water-resistant to durably waterproof protection and comfort to a wide range of outdoor activities.
GORE-TEX产品 唯有GORE-TEX面料是防水、防风、透气;使您保持干爽,温暖,舒适。其面料外层可以防止水份渗透,而多孔结构可以使汗水有效排走,令体温保持平衡。 穿戴GORE®产品的高尔夫球手即使在湿草地上打完18个球洞,也能确保双脚干爽舒适;徒步旅行者能充分享受户外活动,完全不用担心天气情况;登山者能专注登顶挑战,确信...
Our GORE-TEX Product Technology is durably waterproof, windproof and breathable, to keep wearers comfortable and protected in a wide range of conditions.
GORE-SEAM®TAPEis used on all GORE-TEX®products which are manufactured in approved factories by manufacturers specially trained in this technique. Rememberthat although GORE-TEX®products are waterproof, windproof and breathable, they do not guarantee warmth. However, when combined withwarm materi...
GORE-TEX Stretch Product Technology GORE-TEX stretch product technology makes it possible to design ergonomically improved PPE: garments fit close to the body and footwear offers increased instep fit. Without compromising their protective performance, products with this technology are exceptionally comfortabl...