Meeting: Applied and Environmental Microbiology Gordon Research Conference Dates: July 14, 2019 - ...
1 people interested. Check out who is attending ✭ exhibiting ✭ speaking ✭ schedule & agenda ✭ reviews ✭ timing ✭ entry ticket fees. 2025 edition of Atherosclerosis Gordon Research Conference will be held at Gran Hotel Rey Don Jaime, Cas
The Gordon Research Conferences, well known to generations of American and foreign scientists, were initiated by Neil Gordon, an American chemist who in 1931 invited a select group of colleagues to spend a week on an island in the Chesapeake Bay to contemplate "scientific frontiers of the future...
The Biomass to Biobased Chemicals and Materials Gordon Research Conference is a gathering for professionals in the field. The conference chair is currently developing a description and session titles for the event. Financial assistance is available for underrepresented minority attendees. 上場 インダス...
这些年来来回回参加了不少的会,但是其中最喜欢的就是Gordon reserch confernce (GRC) Gordon Research Conferences 大家平时可能会参加各种协会搞的那种特别大的会,比如ACS,ASM,AGU之类。但是这种几万人参加的会一般焦点都特别分散,里面研究什么的都有。GRC的好处在于小而精。人少,领域集中,一般每个会最...
The second bi-annual Basal Ganglia Gordon Research Conference (GRC) was held 28 February through 4 March 2016 in Ventura, California, USA. Two hundred attendees participated and 46 lectures and 127 posters were presented. The meeting also incorporated a
Cytokinetics, Incorporated (Nasdaq: CYTK) today announced that preclinical data relating to the discovery and optimization of CK-3828136 (CK-136) were presented at the 2021 Medicinal Chemistry Gordon Research Conference in West Dover, VT.
The Gordon Research Conferences, well known to generations of American and foreign scientists, were initiated by Neil Gordon, an American chemist who in 1931 invited a select group of colleagues to spend a week on an island in the Chesapeake Bay to contemplate "scientific frontiers of the future...
Volume 136, Issues 1–2,March 1986, Pages 207-208 Announcement Author links open overlay panel Previousarticlein issue Nextarticlein issue View PDF Cited by (0) View Abstract Recommended articles cannot be displayed at this time. ...
2019年6月23-28日,全球学术研讨会“Gordon Research Conference on Carbohydrates”在香港Regal Riverside Hotel隆重召开。本次会议的主题是“糖类化合物的合成与研究进展”,会议由郭仲武与陈熙主席共同主持。本次全球性学术会议是第一次在美国之外举行,吸引了全球业内专家学者,包括美国、欧洲、亚洲等地区的专家,展示前...