From a classic beef wellington to the perfect buttermilk pancakes, our hub of recipes will set you up for success. View recipes.
From a classic beef wellington to the perfect buttermilk pancakes, our hub of recipes will set you up for success. View recipes.
终于有机会去Gordon Ramsay在新加坡滨海湾金沙开设的餐厅Bread Street Kitchen打卡啦!🎉说实话,我没想到会吃得这么饱!原本以为份量会小一些,但他们的Beef Wellington真的让我大吃一惊,份量超大!我们几乎快吃撑了,但味道真的超赞!👌 这道菜需要40分钟的准备时间,绝对值得等待!另外,鳕鱼那道菜也非常值得一试,煮...
看过《Master Chef》的人肯定对Gordon Ramsay不陌生,他的餐厅果然名不虚传。📍 地址:3570 S Las Vegas Blvd推荐菜品: ️ 开胃菜 ️ 🍴 Pan-Seared Scallops:扇贝超级嫩,我个人非常喜欢。 🍴 Lobster Risotto:强烈推荐!龙虾和意大利调味饭的结合,味道超级棒。 ️ 主菜 ️ 🍽 Beef Wellington...
Discover Gordon's signature Beef Wellington recipe, along with other variations of the famous Wellington including lamb, chocolate, and vegan varieties.
Gordon Ramsay 的威灵顿牛排食谱 Beef Wellington 是一道相当繁琐的菜肴,兼具烹饪和烘培的技巧,如果牛肉烤得太生或者太熟,以及如果没有封好,导致肉汁渗出把酥皮泡软,都算是失败。 在《Hell’s Kitchen》里超多人在这道菜上扑街,下次我也挑战下吧。 ▼▼▼ ...
Chef Gordon Ramsay modernizes the classic Beef Wellington recipe with his trusty cast iron skillet, which gives the beef fillet color, depth, and flavor. Dijon mustard tenderizes, marinates, and gives a gentle kick to the filet mignon. Layers of prosciutto, savory chive crepe, a mushroom mix...
🥩 主菜:Beef Wellington & Hell's Kitchen Burger 在主菜的选择上,我们尝试了Gordon Ramsay的招牌Beef Wellington和Hell's Kitchen Burger。由于我们不想点两份牛排,所以选择了汉堡包。🍴 Beef Wellington体验 Beef Wellington是由服务员推着餐车送到桌边切分的,这让我们对这道菜的期待更加高涨。我们额外点了...
初尝Gordon Ramsay,值吗? 2023年第一次尝试Gordon Ramsay的地狱厨神餐厅!说实话,我是冲着Beef Wellington去的(见图4),以下是一些个人感受,供大家参考。 🍽️ 环境:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 整体环境非常舒适,人也不多。建议想吃的朋友们可以尝试预约哦。 🍞 食物: Bread + Bone Marrow Butter(图3):这个...
Check out Gordon Ramsay’s selection of beef & steak recipes, from roasts, BBQ & beef wellington recipes to modern favourites like burgers & curries!