One of my friends called me the other day and inquired about LRV and THM files. What he did was he copied the media folder from his GoPro 8 not with the GoPro app, but just copy-pasted the folder directly from GoPro. Never do that friends. There is a reason why GoPro came up w...
直⼊正题,其实.THM ⽂件是视频⽂件的缩略图,英⽂全称是 Thumbnail,⽤于在GoPro中显⽰ 视频的缩略图。当你使⽤GoPro App 在浏览媒体库时,你所看到的视频封⾯缩略图便是这 个.THM⽂件。其实在电脑上把.THM 这个扩展名改成.JPG,就可以在电脑上看到这些缩略图了。那么,.LRV ⽂件就是供...
if filetype in [".MP4",".JPG",".LRV",".THM"] and filename[0]=="G" and "_" not in filename:NAME_PREFIX = filename[:2]NAME_INDEX = filename[2:4]NAME_SEQ = filename[4:]newdir = os.path.join(path, NAME_PREFIX + NAME_SEQ + "_" + NAME_INDEX + filetype.lower())print...
goproTHM文件有什么用 gopro最新固件会有的文件,在录像时生成mp4的同时伴随lrv和thm文件的生成,分别是对应录像的小格式版本,改mp4后缀可直接播放,thm文件为改视频的第一帧
Helper for GoPro Files for Mac是一款运行在Mac平台上的移动相机GoPro文件帮手,Helper for GoPro Files Mac中文版几乎支持所有的GoPro型号,能够对照片和视频进行自动排列、自动重命名、自动删除*.lrv 和*.thm文件,还能自动为第一个文件在Finder中进行标记,有需要大的朋友可以来试试哦!
USD 0.99 Screenshots Description This file optimization tool automatically renames videos and photos and deletes temporary files (THM and LRV). It is designed to enhance computing resource utilization and improve system efficiency. What’s New ...
First, you need to connect your GoPro to your PC anddownload all the video files from your camera Click the video you need to have these overlays on and click on“open in create mode” Once you open the file in create mode andclick on adjust gaugeswhich is on the extreme right below...
Optimize your GoPro files. - Automatic sorting of video and photo files in a folder for each day. - Automatic renaming of video and photo files. - Automatic delete of *.lrv and *.thm files. Supported Cameras: - Fusion - Max (360° / Hero Mode) ...
- Automatic sorting of video and photo files in a folder for each day. - Automatic renaming of video and photo files. - Automatic delete of *.lrv and *.thm file. - Mark first file of a record with a Tag in the Finder. Supported Cameras: - HERO 5 - HERO 4 Session - HERO 4 - ...