Biden Says Obama Seeking Court Nominee Who Enjoys GOP SupportSome want to limit justices Supreme Court tenure WASHINGTON --Justice Antonin Scalia's sudden...Lederman, Josh
Bipartisan support for Biden's judicial picks can vary widely: Some get dozens of GOP votes, particularly if they are in red states where home-state senators approved the pick beforehand, while others get a total Republican blockade. And several GOP senators, like Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa...
Washington— President Biden urged Congress Tuesday to pass anational security supplemental billthat would provide funding for Ukraine, Israel and border security, hoping to bolster support as the deal appears to be falling apart on Capitol Hill. The president's plea came as more House and Senate ...
appearing to call former President Donald Trump's supporters "garbage" on a video call with Latino activists Tuesday evening. Republicansseized on the comments, while the White House offered a different explanation of what Mr. Biden said.
Still, Biden’s current support does not compare to what Trump received in February 2019 when 72% of GOP registered voters wanted to keep him as their nominee, or support for former President Barack Obama in 2012 when 81% of Democratic primary voters wanted him to stay. ...
Has Joe Biden committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” since becoming president? No, but that’s not going to stop Republicans from trying to remove him from office anyway.
Taken together, the events of Sunday and Monday have become symbolic for those demanding some kind of accountability from a Biden administration that continues to spin the fall of Afghanistan as a best-case scenario. “It’s my goal that this poster will be a reminder to @SpeakerPelosi & m...
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg told NBC's"Meet the Press"last week that the Biden administration would like to have bipartisan legislative support for the infrastructure bill, but indicated that a lack of it would not stop them.
In a statement, Toomey that he believes, “Congress and the Biden administration can come together and enact a bipartisan bill that responsibly boosts federal support for our roads, bridges, ports, and airports.” But there remain major disagreements over core elements of an infrastructure bill, ...
By this point, less than a month before the Biden administration takes over, there isn’t time for the Trump administration to spin up a real, thorough vaccine distribution plan — even if it had the political will to do so. “There is no way that this administration can create an...