Interviews with GOP county party leaders and local activists around the state expose the difference between their declared love for Trump and hope he runs again. “There are Trumpsters who can’t wait for him to run again. They are the ones still moaning and groaning that they ...
Focus of the bills; How homosexuality is viewed by the Republicans; Charges made by gay rights activists; Comments made by Arne Owens, communications director for the Christian Coalition.KirchhoffSueEBSCO_AspCq Weekly
Through backtracking the domain, we found that it once belonged to the GOP Pledge to America website under the domain Pledge to Americais a list of proposed legislative items that the Republican Party promised to pursue in the 112th Congress if Republicans gained a majority ...
GOP Reps. Paul Gosar and Marjorie Taylor Greene appeared at an event organized by a white nationalist and Republican party leaders are condemning them for attending.
worked to monitor and at times control the process by which delegates to next year's Republican National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, are selected. His campaign wants the convention to be a four-night "infomercial" for Trump by sidelining the president's detractors within the ...
After three days of consistently falling 20 votes short of the threshold he needed to win the speakership, 14 of these holdout members signed on to a framework deal with party leaders that represented a major concession by McCarthy to the demands of this small group of far-right holdouts....
Most Republican voters still think top GOP leaders are hurting the party with their continuing criticism of Donald Trump and are only slightly more convinced that those leaders want Trump to be president. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online surve...
In a private meeting late Thursday, party leaders said they would add provisions to the bill in hopes of rounding up the support they need. Trump's comments come amid an international outcry over the separation of migrant families at the southern border. Trump asserted Thursday that Congress co...
(AP) — President-electDonald Trumplikes the idea of “one, big beautiful bill" for his top legislative priorities, but he emerged from a lengthy closed-door meeting with Republican senators late Wednesday open to other strategies as GOP leaders strain to develo...
The top three House GOP leaders, as well as the head of the party’s campaign arm, denounced Greene’s rhetoric upon learning from POLITICO of her derogatory comments about blacks, Muslims and Jews. While the National Republican Congressional Committee does not get involved in primaries, NRCC sp...