discovery import build from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError 在线文档需要以下命令来安装 googleapiclient 库: pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client 但是,安装后我仍然收到错误 googleapiclient.discovery 找不到。我尝试通过 pip 重新安装,生成了以下命令行输出,表明一切正常: Requirement alrea...
这在另一个线程中得到解决:ImportError: No module named apiclient.discovery 这个也适用于我们的案例 pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client 使用蟒蛇 3.6.5
Importerror:没有名为googleapiclient.discovery的模块 我在Stackoverflow中发现的是Importerror:No模块名为Apiclient.discovery 我试图做人们所说的话,但它不起作用 编辑: PIP冻结 看答案 这是在另一个线程中解决的: Importerror:没有名为apiclient.discovery的模块 这也是在我们的情况下工作的 pip install --upgr...
googleapis / google-api-python-client Public Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings Fork 2.4k Star 8k 🐍 The official Python client library for Google's discovery based APIs. License...
from googleapiclient.discovery import build ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'googleapiclient' OS: Ubuntu 16.04 Using Python 3.6 and all of the requirements have been installed and the JSON has been added to the uds directory as 'client_secret.json Not sure what to try next Owner stewart...
Discovery Engine APIv1,v1alpha,v1beta Display & Video 360 APIv2,v3,v4 Document AI Warehouse APIv1 DoubleClick Bid Manager APIv2 Drive Activity APIv2 Drive Labels APIv2,v2beta Enterprise License Manager APIv1 Error Reporting APIv1beta1 ...
安装好 PyTorch1.5.0 之后,在 Anaconda Prompt 中激活新创建的环境变量之后,import torch 并 打印 ...
如果有人(比如我)想知道drive_service是从哪里来的,你需要安装库(例如 pip install google-api-python-client -t app/lib),然后可以通过from lib.apiclient import discovery和lang_service ='drive', 'v3')获取它。 这段代码改编自此处,该网站对此进行了更深入的解释。 - Sam 1 如何获取文...
pip version:pip --version21.3 google-api-python-clientversion:pip show google-api-python-client2.27.0 Steps to reproduce install the module via pip (either normal or virtualenv) import the modulefrom googleapiclient import discoverywithin a file, if you use an interactive session, it wont happen...