With the announcement of Terraform’s integration with Google’s VM infrastructure provisioning, Google Cloud Marketplace now has two approaches to deploy the Google Cloud infrastructure that will run the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (Self-Managed) offering: ...
Terraform的方式: 仅将服务账号用户角色授予GAE服务账号上的云服务账号。 data "google_app_engine_default_service_account" "app_engine_sv_account" { project = var.project_id } resource "google_service_account_iam_member" "cb-deploy-iam" { service_account_id = data.google_app_engine_default_ser...
Hello, Am trying to create GCP projects and delete default service accounts using the terraform-google-project-factory getting gcloud command not found we are using terraform enterprise. provider version: google-beta Terraform version: 0...
REGION}" } resource "google_compute_instance" "vm_instance" { name = "terraform-instance" machine_type = "f1-micro" boot_disk { initialize_params { image = "debian-cloud/debian-9" } } network_interface { # A default network is created for all GCP projects network = "default" access_...
+| Latest +| Managing GCP resources +| GCP installs only + +| link:https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html[Terraform] +| {terraformversion} or greater +| Infrastructure Management +| Required for installations within GCP or AWS + +| Install and configure link:https://docs.min.io/docs/...
首先SSH登录VPS,创建一个登录脚本: vi /bin/nologin.sh 在vim中按下i,添加下面的内容:...
With the announcement of Terraform’s integration with Google’s VM infrastructure provisioning, Google Cloud Marketplace now has two approaches to deploy the Google Cloud infrastructure that will run the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform (Self-Managed) offering: Using Terraform’s UI within the ...