title (optional) - string - Rollover text, see docs custom (optional) - store arbitrary data (e.g. an id field) in this object, retrieve it from the googlemap:marker:click event payload infoWindow (optional) - object - If set, the googlemap:marker:click evetn will not be called, in...
publicvoidmap_marker_start(Double lat, Double longt, String title){ MarkerOptions markerOptions =newMarkerOptions(); LatLng latLng =newLatLng(lat, longt); Log.d("lat", String.valueOf(latLng.longitude)); markerOptions.position(latLng); markerOptions.title(title); markerOptions.icon(BitmapDescri...
i'm having a problem translating the already working directions script in v2 to v3. the error is the tohere/fromhere function which is not correctly executed. the marker is displayed correctly, after the first click the infowindow opens. when i'm then clicking "tohere" or "fromhere" it...
To native (Capacitor plugin): callbackId: 22000737, pluginId: CapacitorGoogleMaps, methodName: addMarker callback: 22000737, pluginId: CapacitorGoogleMaps, methodName: addMarker, methodData: {"id":"ps-map","marker":{"coordinate":{"lat":34.7186666666667,"lng":33.3168333333333},"title":"Shira...
Google Maps API 简易教程(二) 一、Google Map Event 单击一下Marker,就会触发click事件。拖曳当前地图,将会触发center_changed事件。而google.maps.addListener监听地图上每一个动作, 相应的事件处理代码由用户编写。一下举几个例子,以加深理解。 (1)单击Marker改变Z...新...
Click on the location on the map to drop a marker, then give it a name, then press “Save.” Repeat this process to drop as many pins/markers as you’d like. After you’ve saved a pin, click on it to customize it. Add pictures using the Camera button to make it easier for othe...
map.addOverlay(marker); // centre the map on the result map.setCenter(point,16); }); } } // display a warning if the browser was not compatible else { alert("Sorry, the Google Maps API is not compatible with this browser"); } // This Javascript is based on code provided by ...
function add_marker_lat_long( my_description, my_lat, my_long, my_quantity ) { my_LatLng = new google.maps.LatLng( my_lat, my_long ); my_LatLngBounds.extend( my_LatLng ); var my_marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: my_map, position: my_LatLng, //icon: icon_shop, title:my...