From the command-line Download the formatterand run it with: java -jar /path/to/google-java-format-${GJF_VERSION?}-all-deps.jar <options> [files...] The formatter can act on whole files, on limited lines (--lines), on specific offsets (--offset), passing through to standard-out ...
from the command-lineDownload the formatter and run it with:java -jar /path/to/google-java-format-1.3-all-deps.jar <options> [files...] The formatter can act on whole files, on limited lines (--lines), on specific ofsets (--offset), passing through to standard-out (default) or ...
Fix version numbers 4年前 pom.xml Update Error Prone and maven versions 4年前 Loading... README Apache-2.0 google-java-format Using the formatter from the command-line JDK 16 IntelliJ, Android Studio, and other JetBrains IDEs Eclipse
つぎのタスクで実現できます。 taskgoogleJavaFormat(group:'format',type:Exec){commandLine'Powershell','-C','"iex \'java -jar /path/google-java-format-1.15.0-all-deps.jar --replace $(git ls-files *.java)\'"'} Mac | Gradle つぎのタスクで実現できます。 taskgoogleJavaFormat(group...
If so, what happens if you do use Java 17, or the version when those features came out? I hope this helps! Contributor jbduncan commented Oct 29, 2021 A word of caution though: to run GJF on Java 16+, you need to run it with these command-line flags: java \ --add-exports ...
" --version, -version, -v", " Print the version.", "", 21 changes: 18 additions & 3 deletions 21 core/src/test/java/com/google/googlejavaformat/java/ @@ -20,9 +20,7 @@ import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; /** * Tests ...
pom.xml Bump version to 1.5-SNAPSHOT Aug 29, 2017 Repository files navigation README License google-java-formatgoogle-java-format is a program that reformats Java source code to comply with Google Java Style.Using the formatterfrom the command-lineDownload...
<dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>google-java-format</artifactId> <version>1.3</version> </dependency>Gradledependencies { compile '' }You can then use the formatter through the formatSource methods. E.g....
google-java-format is a program that reformats Java source code to comply with Google Java Style.Using the formatterfrom the command-lineDownload the formatter and run it with:java -jar /path/to/google-java-format-1.7-all-deps.jar <options> [files...] ...
From the command-line Download the formatterand run it with: java -jar /path/to/google-java-format-${GJF_VERSION?}-all-deps.jar <options> [files...] The formatter can act on whole files, on limited lines (--lines), on specific offsets (--offset), passing through to standard-out ...