这里的考点是URG通过tshark提取tcp.urg然后取出0的字段转ascii即可得到flag PS :一看是2016年的题目 现在这种题目挺多的USB键盘鼠标流量 使用工具提取 然后转码 tshark -r stego.pcap -T fields -e tcp.urgent_pointer|egrep -vi "^0$"|tr '\n' ',' CTF{And_You_Thought_It_Was_In_The_Picture}...
TheGoogle Capture The Flag (CTF)was run on the 29th and 30th of April 2016, this is my solution to the forensics challenge “For2” which was worth 200 points. In this challenge the file capture.pcapng was provided with no other instructions other than to find the flag. The original fil...
Google-CTF-2016-Stego.pcap数据包春风**如酒 上传1.14MB 文件格式 pcap CTF Google-CTF-2016-Stego.pcap数据包 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 “人力资源+大数据+薪酬报告+涨薪调薪” 2025-01-04 19:05:33 积分:1 “人力资源+大数据+薪酬报告+涨薪调薪” 2025-01-04 19:03...
This resulted in the flag of CTF{HeRe_GoES_thE_FLaG}.