Google Workspace(旧称 G Suite)的协作与效率应用可满足不同规模企业的需求,且确保安全无虞,欢迎试用。应用包括 Gmail、云端硬盘、Meet 等产品
Google最近公布了Workspace (以前也叫G Suit, Google Apps for Work) 的一系列更新,主要亮点是强化了搜索能力、Meet calling和Meet中的实时字幕翻译,还带来了罗技和Avocor共同推出的多合一视频会议设备。 Google Workspace包括了云计算、生产力和协作相关的工具、软件和产品,涵盖了Gmail, Google 硬盘、日历、文档等软件...
Google Workspace价格调整!99%的人都不知道的“抗涨秘笈” 思想科技 Master Concept 已认证账号 Google Workspace宣布于今年4 月11 日起,调整Google Workspace 现有的灵活方案(Flexible plan)及Google Workspace Enterprise… 阅读全文 赞同 2 ...
Google Workspace 中的 Gmail 與免費 Gmail 有何不同? Google Workspace 的Gmail 功能包括:自訂企業電子郵件 @yourcompany、無限制的群組電子郵件地址、99.9% 的正常運行時間保證、免費Gmail 的兩倍儲存空間、零廣告、24/7 電話和電子郵件支援、Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook 等等。
Embedded Links for Google Workspace allows you and your team to create a single source of truth. Teams can find and share the resources they need to get work done quickly and efficiently. With the ability to edit Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides directly from Lucidspark or Lucidchart, you can...
Try Google Workspace today! Part 1: Prepare for remote work and changing workflows 1. Stay connected when working remotely Connect with your remote team when telecommuting, manage your schedule, and follow best practices to stay connected.
❌无法及时处理突发事故,只能用信件及支援服务来解决当前 Google Workspace 企业版所遇到的问题。 抗涨秘笈:我们的独家服务 作为中国首家提供 Google Workspace 企业级技术支持的解决方案专家,我们在企业数字转型领域备受肯定,并且荣获“Google Cloud – Work Transformation 工作模式转型专家”称号。
EXTEND GOOGLE WORKSPACE & INCREASE YOUR RETURN ON INVESTMENT! UMS is known for filling gaps in Google Workspace & doing the ‘Impossible’ For Years Explore UMS Magic Tool OUR VISION Becoming World Leader in Futuristic Technologies while helping our customers “Reimagine Work” and enabling them to...
expand_more What's included with Google Workspace? Similar to the former G Suite plan, every Google Workspace plan will feature an email address that matches your domain name and access to collaboration tools that all work together, are completely mobile-friendly, and industry-leading in security...
Do I need Google Workspace for my domain? While you don't technically need Google Workspace for yourdomain, we highly recommend it. Google Workspace offers a wide range of features and tools that can help you work more efficiently, communicate more effectively, and grow your business. Plus, ...