Anforderungen an eine Bedeutungserklärung im FachwörterbuchDie Qualität der Wikipedia-Artikel ist naturgemäß heterogen. Trotz großer Be-mühungen insbesondere der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia-Gemeinschaft um zuver-lässige Belegangaben in den Artikeln, sind die Quellenangab...
I’ve been reluctantly impressed with the results Google Translate (Wikipedia) gives me (reluctantly because my default assumption has long been that automatic translation is No Damn Good), and I was interested to read a couple of pieces about it online. Here is Mark Phillips at NPR’s All ...
I give up. This has been my attempt to retranslate that innocuous little paragraph without machine help and without looking at the original. I have translated German word order as English word order, so all the peculiarities you’ll notice (for instance in the first sentence) sound just as ...