「Im a Gentleman」是Google Chrome扩充功能,安装Im a Gentleman可以快速的下载网页内指定的图片,也可以下载全部的图片〈下载全部图片时,因为没有筛选的功能,无法选择要下载的图片,建议改用:Google Chrome快速下载图片的扩充功能「小乐图客」,比较方便〉,是一款相当好用的扩充套件,关于Im a Gentle...
privateString[] getAccountNames() { mAccountManager = AccountManager.get(this); Account[] accounts = mAccountManager .getAccountsByType(GoogleAuthUtil.GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_TYPE); String[] names =newString[accounts.length]; for(inti =0; i < names.length; i++) { names[i] = accounts[i].name; ...
Google Redirects to random unrelated pages... - posted in Virus, Trojan, Spyware, and Malware Removal Help: As per the request at my original post (http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic393080.html) I have posted by HiJackThis Log here. IF there a
Hi, I'm no longer able to reproduce the re-direct problem so hopefully things are good now. I will keep an eye on things for a bit before I use the machine for anything with sensitive info. Is there anything else I should do to feel confident the machine is clean? Thanks!! 17 July...
which are removable from the strip by effect of exerted traction of such fins and which determines consequent formation of two wings constituted by the stretches of strip that remain attached to the stopper and which help to keep it in the closed position when it is collected in the container...
7.关闭Google Chrome浏览器,再重新开启〈安装I'm a Gentleman以后,必须重新开启Google Chrome浏览器,程式才能正常运作〉。 8.浏览网页时,想要下载图片,先按住键盘的「Alt」键,再对著图片按一下滑鼠左键,就可以下载图片。 9.开启档案总管,下载的图片,如下图所示。
$sql .=" WHERE id = '". $attendee_id ."' "; }else{ _e('No ID Supplied','event_espresso'); } $sql .=" ORDER BY id "; $sql .=" LIMIT 0,1 ";//Get the first attendees details$attendees = $wpdb->get_results($sql);//global $attendee_id;foreach($attendeesas$attendee) {...
Thank you in advance, Steffany Posted27 August 2012 - 08:01 AM Hello, Welcome to BleepingComputer. I'm nasdaq and will be helping you. If you can please print this topicit will make it easier for you to follow the instructions and complete all of the necessary steps. ...
(3) linked by a scale system (4), characterized by the fact that, for the coupling between the barrel (3) and the handguard (11), the barrel (3) has a solid bottom part (3b) of coupling in which there are notches (8) to which respective axes/screw (9) inserted in them are ...
Kelly Clark, GroupM’s chief executive, said 2017 had been a “challenging year” for advertising. “Brands are operating in hyper-competitive and low-growth markets. Legacy media continue to be challenged by audience fragmentation and competition from the dominant digital players, and those giants...