8 月 30 日,Google 在官网宣布,Google Assistant 已经能够同时理解并表达超过一种语言,实际上就是能够同时处理两种语言,目前同类的功能只出现在 Google Assistant 上。换句话说,从此以后,用户在通过 Google Assistant 询问天气时,即可以说“Hey Google, what’s the weather like today?(单一英语模式)”,也...
"OK, Google. What is the weather today in Beijing" "OK, Google. Play some light music" "OK, Google. How to say I LOV "OK, Google. What is the latest news today?" 都可以。而且你也可以要求它播音乐的时候: "OK, Goolge. Volume up~" ...
Cobertura jornalística abrangente e atualizada, agregada de fontes do mundo inteiro pelo Google Notícias.
The most notable new feature is the ability for your compatible Wear OS device to respond to your Google Assistant queries using the familiar Google Assistant voice. Now, when you ask Google Assistant something like “What’s the weather today?”, you will hear a response from either your Wea...
"How far away is the moon?" "What’s the weather like today?" "Dim the living room lights" "Add popcorn to my shopping list" "Find action movies" "Show me my photos from Brazil" "What’s on my agenda today?" "Set the thermostat to 72 degrees" ...
What is Google? Let me Google that for you. Google is a technology company that was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. It was started as a search engine that ranked results based on the websites' relevance to the search query. Searching for s
What's the weather today? My agenda for tomorrow When was Benedict Cumberbatch born? Does the President of the United States have any children? Build Instructions MacAssistant is built using Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10 Get OAuth Credentials
The Weather Channel (Independent Publisher) TheGoodAPI (Independent Publisher) TheMealDB (Independent Publisher) Threads (Independent Publisher) Ticketing.events Tikit Tilkee TimeAPI (Independent Publisher) timeghost TLDR Today in History (Independent Publisher) Todoist Toggl Plan (Independent Publisher) Tom...
- Weather information (e.g. "What’s the weather today") - Learn more about your privacy controls (e.g., “Where can I change my privacy settings?”) -Delete your recent Google Assistant activity (e.g., “Delete what I said this week”) more What...
Google Trends is a free tool that shows how often people search for specific terms on Google, making it easier to see what's currently popular. As the world's leading search engine, Google handlesover two trillionsearch queries annually. Its advanced algorithm effectively makes sense of the sea...