Jillian DOnfro
I had Google run the fiber into my office vs. a utility closet in the back of the house where the Att router is located. This makes good sense if you want a fast connection. I'm now cabled into the main router. The google guy explained the 1st router in any home network will be ...
初到美国,一直为选用什么移动运营商而苦恼,刚来的时候淘宝买的H2O,三十刀一个月,无限美国国内通话,500MB流量,流量用起来实在捉襟见肘,后转网到AT&T,45刀一个月,无限国内通话,3GB流量,流量是差不多够用了,但是感觉话费太高,所以一直在网上看帖子,看看大家怎么说,最近想装Google Fiber的光纤服务,无意发现了Google...
除了部署非常高速度的宽带接入以外(这其实就已经足够让大多数社区居民很激动了好伐?),G家也推出其他项目,比如把公共研究机构免费接入Google Fiber(学校,研究所,医院,图书馆等等)。所以尽管Google Fiber和TW, ATT, COMCAST, VZ的部署比较起来看似很小,但增长率惊人,但同时也造成了传统电信运营商内部人士的担忧。举例:...
除了部署非常高速度的宽带接入以外(这其实就已经足够让大多数社区居民很激动了好伐?),G家也推出其他项目,比如把公共研究机构免费接入Google Fiber(学校,研究所,医院,图书馆等等)。所以尽管Google Fiber和TW, ATT, COMCAST, VZ的部署比较起来看似很小,但增长率惊人,但同时也造成了传统电信运营商内部人士的担忧。举例:...
The vote on Tuesday is for a “one touch make ready” regulation which if passed would allow Google Fiber, for example, to move all the wires necessary and attach its own wires in one visit. That probably sounds great to Google Fiber, but for the other companies, not so much. AT&T has...
“The process can take months, even if contractually mandated time frames are followed. Google Fiber officials and operatives working on their behalf suggest that’s not always the case,” notes the report from the Nashville Scene. To help speed things up, Google is pushing for a new ordinance...
My Republic data use in August (left) vs. Google (right) data use over the past week. My peak month in the past year was about 320MB. For those who use more, your optimum choice will vary because of the different rates of the two carriers. ...
除了部署非常高速度的宽带接入以外(这其实就已经足够让大多数社区居民很激动了好伐?),G家也推出其他项目,比如把公共研究机构免费接入Google Fiber(学校,研究所,医院,图书馆等等)。所以尽管Google Fiber和TW, ATT, COMCAST, VZ的部署比较起来看似很小,但增长率惊人,但同时也造成了传统电信运营商内部人士的担忧。举例:...
除了部署非常高速度的宽带接入以外(这其实就已经足够让大多数社区居民很激动了好伐?),G家也推出其他项目,比如把公共研究机构免费接入Google Fiber(学校,研究所,医院,图书馆等等)。所以尽管Google Fiber和TW, ATT, COMCAST, VZ的部署比较起来看似很小,但增长率惊人,但同时也造成了传统电信运营商内部人士的担忧。举例:...