“ If you’d like to keep your Google Voice number (xxx) xxx-xxxx, you will need to make calls or send text messages ” 所以,如果你想给GV保号的话,目前切实有效的办法就是主动打电话或者发短信。经过多次测试,我虽然没有找到让Google Voice自动拨打电话的方法,但是有办法可以让Google Voice自动回复...
When you receive a voice message, you can choose to listen to it or to read a transcript of the voice message if Live Captions are turned off. Open Google Messages . Open the chat where you received the voice message. At the top of the voice message recording, tapView transcript. Forwar...
I noticed that my Google message voice text are limited to 2 minutes but other people send me text messages of over 10 minutes and I'm able to receive them through Google messages. Why am I throttled back by Google messages? 1 Like Reply 2 Replies realaud Honored Contributor Options ...
Google may reclaim your Google Voice number (if you have one) if you have not placed or received calls, sent or received text messages for a period of 6 months. We will not reclaim numbers that have been ported in to Google Voice or made permanent.但是,Google 不会收回已转至 Google 语音...
Voice number (if you have one) if you have not placed or received calls, sent or received text messages for a period of 6 months. We will not reclaim numbers that have been ported in to Google Voice or made permanent. 」官方号码回收规则 :https://support.google.com/voice/answer/9230450...
1,设置google voice短信内容自动转发到谷歌邮箱; 先登录google voice,按目录找到下图,settings – > messages- > forward messages to email。 找到这个界面后直接打开右边的开关就可以了,这样google voice的短信全部会实时发到邮箱里。 2,在谷歌邮箱中建一个过滤器,把来自google voice的邮件归一类; ...
注意:根据谷歌协议,如果你6个月内不使用 Google Voice(无主叫、被叫、短信、语音邮箱),那么你的号码将会被 Google 收回。 「 Google may reclaim your Google Voice number (if you have one) if you have not placed or received calls, sent or received text messages for a period of 6 months. We wi...
一、在手机上使用 Chrome 浏览器打开 Google Voice 网站 Chrome 浏览器内置翻译功能,可以帮你把页面语言翻译成中文。 https://voice.google.com 二、分别登录两个 Google 帐号 同一个浏览器下登录要转入和转出的两个 Google 帐户。 转入的 Google 帐户=你自己的想要转进入的 Google 帐户 ...
The messages will still show up in your email (if you have turned on email forwarding) and inside the Google Voice app, but they will no longer appear in your default text app. The move comes as many carriers in the U.S. have started blocking spam calls and messages, and it would ...
Issue 13: Unable to send or receive text messages If you’re unable to send or receive text messages using Google Voice, ensure you have the latest version of the Google Voice app installed on your device and are connected to a reliable internet connection. ...