登录Google Voice,Settings—>Settings—>Forward messages to email,打开将短信转发到你Gmail邮箱的选项,如图: 经过这样的设置以后,Google Voice收到的短信都会以邮件的形式发送到你的Gmail邮箱里,邮件标题为:New text message from XXX(发送短信的手机号码),发件人是后缀为@txt.voice.google.com的邮箱,前缀里包含短...
国内手机接收到的SMS显示的号码是Google Voice的号码,也就是注册时自己选的号码。如果直接回复这号码,Google Voice可以接收到,但需要付出昂贵的费用--每条短信1元RMB。 Google Voice会将收到的短信都保存在收件箱内,如果要等到下次登陆时才能看到,那和Email就没啥区别了。所以我们希望的结果是将Google Voice收到的...
1、Google Voice设置 Google Voice 新增了Foward SMS to email的设置,可以发送到Voice账户所在邮箱,当然常规情况下这个账户都是Gmail的。这个设置也是今天看到谷奥的RSS才知道的,原文《Google Voice 加入短信自动转发到电子信箱功能》。 2、Gmail设置过滤器 Gmail的过滤器是很强大的。好好应用的话整理邮箱相当的方便。
2、Google Voice短信→Gmail 登陆Google Voice,“Settings”、“Voicemail&SMS”,将“SMS Forwarding:Forward SMS messages to my email”选项打勾。这样,Google Voice收到的短信都会以邮件的形式发送到Gmail中。邮件的标题为“SMS FROMXX”,发件人为后缀为“txt.voice.google.com”的邮箱。 3、Gmail→手机邮箱 在...
The future of the phone gets a bit closer to reality today with the introduction of Google Voice. The key feature of Google Voice is that it recognizes the words in a voicemail message left for you, and can then email the transcript to your inbox or deliver it to your phone via SMS–...
1.Set google voice to automatically forward to google mailbox Log in toGoogle Voice, settings – > messages- > forward messages to email, and open the option of forwarding SMS to your Gmail mailbox. 2.Create a filter Log in to yourGoogle mailbox. ...
From simple navigation to voicemail transcription, Voice makes it easier than ever to save time while staying connected Take control of your calls Forward calls to any device and have spam calls silently blocked. With Voice, you decide who can reach you and when. ...
Send and receive individual and group SMS messages from all your devices Your voicemail, transcribed Google Voice provides advanced voicemail transcriptions that you can read in the app and/or have sent to your email. Save on international calling Make international calls at competitive rates without...
Google Voice 在 2009 年 3 月 11 日正式推出,基于 GrandCentral,同时添加了一些新功能,包括语音邮件转录和 SMS 管理。刚推出的时候 Google Voice 采取的是邀请制的方式有限开放使用,2010 年 6 月 23 日 Google Voice 的官方博客宣布取消成为订阅者的邀请要求,美国任何拥有 Google 帐户的人都可以使用该服务,Googl...
Unlike Google Voice, OpenPhone lets you automatically forward messages to any email account — and not just a Gmail address, either. You can easily forward SMS messages, voice messages, and missed calls to different inboxes, or push them into a Slack channel to keep an eye on important commu...