贵组织注册 Google Voice 后,您的团队就能获得用于接打电话、收发短信和语音信息的电话号码。用户可以将自己的号码与任何手机或座机号码关联,还可以在智能手机和计算机上访问 Voice。 须知事项 针对 Voice 流量设置网络 针对 Voice 优化网络 设置步骤(推荐)
我们需要确认您查看的是正确的页面。 以下信息适用于为公司、学校或其他群组管理 Google 帐号的管理员。如果您没有管理员帐号访问权限,请向拥有权限的人寻求帮助。谁是我的管理员? 作为管理员,您可以使用以下信息解决贵单位中与 Google Voice 相关的问题。如果用户无法注
This plan wasn’t made for businesses and commercial use is actively discouraged by its developers. Even if you are willing to pay for a plan, you may still be excluded because of your location. Google Voice for Google Workspace is only available in: Belgium Canada Denmark France Germany ...
Google Voice vs Google Voice for business — what’s the difference? Google Voice for business (also known as Google Voice for Google Workspace) is different from a Google Voice personal plan. While a Google Voice personal plan is free, it offers limited features, isn’t fit for teams, isn...
Then open Google Voice () log into your Google Voice account you are trying to transfer from. What page do you see? A personal Google Voice account number to a Voice for Google Workspace account number, such as one managed by your work or school. ...
Google Voice for Google Workspace users is available in select countries. Check with your administrator for access. • Calls made using Google Voice for iPhone can be placed through a Google Voice access number. All access number based calls use the standard minutes from your cell phone plan ...
Wondering if it is possible to connect the VVX 600 to the paid, Google Workspace version of Google Voice? I'm open to adapters, dongles, ATAs, 3rd - 8804896
您的Google Workspace 管理员可以在 Google 管理控制台的 Google Voice 部分配置这两个选项。 哦,还有一件事:任何 Google Voice 号码都可以直接连接到各种专用机顶盒和手机,从而有效地让您在办公桌或家庭办公室拥有免订阅的类似固定电话的电话。 您可以通过 Google Voice 为这样的线路建立一个独立的号码,甚至可以让来...
Voice for G Suite 帐号,例如由您的单位或学校管理的帐号。 任何其他类型的 Google 帐号,包括个人帐号和使用不同 Google Workspace 网域的帐号。 另一个 Google Voice 帐户在 12 个月内已经接受了 3 个转移请求。 来自符合以下条件的 Google Voice 帐户: ...
Google Workspace Professional office suite with30 GBstorage100participant video meetings $7.20 USD user / month CONNECT Business email through Gmail Meet video and voice conferencing Dial-in phone numbers Digital whiteboarding Chat Team messaging ...