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PHP Ruby Python 12345678910111213141516171819 $google_pay_params = [ 'sale' => [ 'amount' => 1.00, 'currency' => 'USD', 'description' => 'Product #1' ], 'customer' => [ 'name' => 'John Doe', 'email' => '', 'country_code' => 'US', 'ip' => ''...
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TitleId string Title ID this player profile applies to TotalValueToDateInUSD number Sum of the player's purchases made with real-money currencies, converted to US dollars equivalent and represented as a whole number of cents (1/100 USD). For example, 999 indicates nine dollars and ninety...
在使用PHP将交易推送到Google Analytics时,可以通过Google Analytics Measurement Protocol来实现。Measurement Protocol是一组用于向Google Analytics发送数据的规范和API,可以通过HTTP请求将数据发送到Google Analytics的服务器。 以下是实现这个过程的步骤: 首先,需要在Google Analytics中创建一个帐户和一个跟踪ID。跟踪ID是用...
How to fix Multiple Google Map API loading?? Don’t see “Embed Google Map” button in new Editor? Note: According to Google Documentation, You can use Google Map upto 200 USD for free each month TRANSLATIONS Get a free License Key of the WP Google Map Pro version in exchange for trans...
美元(USD) 0.05 0.01 0.05 货币错配 如果你为 Google Ads 和 Microsoft Advertising 帐户设置的货币不匹配,你可以转换你的货币数据以匹配 Microsoft Advertising,或者选择退出。如果你选择退出,你可以使用导入选项或在导入完成后手动调整你的出价和预算。如果你设置了一个帐户并需要更改货币,你将需要设置一个新帐户。如...
TitleId string Title ID this player profile applies to TotalValueToDateInUSD number Sum of the player's purchases made with real-money currencies, converted to US dollars equivalent and represented as a whole number of cents (1/100 USD). For example, 999 indicates nine dollars ...
TitleId string Title ID this player profile applies to TotalValueToDateInUSD number Sum of the player's purchases made with real-money currencies, converted to US dollars equivalent and represented as a whole number of cents (1/100 USD). For example, 999 indicates nine dollars and ninety...