Today we are going to see in detail the newGoogle TVapp that allows us to use our cell phone as aremote controland other interesting features. Thanks to this app, it is possible to use our mobile to control any system withGoogle TV or Android TVsystem that we have at home. With this...
Android TV Remote Control已从Play商城下架 Google确认已停止支持 在上周推出基于 Google TV 应用的解决方案之后,今天外媒 Android Police 发现旧款的 Android TV Remote Control 应用已经从 Play Store 下架。随后,Google 官方回应称,正在结束对旧应用程序的支持。 目前尚不清楚这款应用是何时下架的,但可以确认是在...
The iOS app features a D-pad in the center of the screen for standard remote control operation, while users can also input text or perform a voice search via Google Now, both of which should be a welcome alternative to using a standard remote handset to input to an onscreen keyboard. Mu...
Get to know the functions of the different buttons on your TCL TV remote control for TCL TVs featuring Google TV. A - OPTIONS Open the Options Menu B - POWER Turn TV on and off C - WATCHLIST Opens the watchlist menu D - SETTINGS Display the TV Settings Menu E - REMOTE MICROPHONE...
MA Remote 194.67MB 查看 你的安卓设备变成一个全功能的谷歌电视远程!使用的鼠标垫,箭头键,和全方位的按钮。您还可以与电视共享视频和网页,甚至使用语音搜索内容。 要开始,你的安卓设备连接到同一网络作为您的谷歌电视。 近期的更改: 首次发布! 更多 网友评论更多 下载豌豆荚,参与网友评论互动 暂无评论 应...
you will have either the Google TV app or Google Play Moves & TV app installed on your phone. While the remote feature is available on both, the Google TV app lets you pair using either the in-app remote icon or the TV Remote Quick Settings Tile. The Google Play Moves & TV app, ho...
a normal remote control, but you’ll also be able to use voice recognition to select your channel and videos, select a video on your phone to be played on the TV, etc… I wonder if this will engender family or friend’s wars since several Android phones can be used with one TV. ...
Remote For Chromecast GoogleTV 4+ Matan Yamin 專為iPad 設計 免費 截圖 iPad iPhone 簡介 Easily control your ChromeCast GoogleTV with our powerful remote control app. With just a few simple steps, you can fully manage your TV directly from your phone, giving you complete control at your ...
“Google TV”. So far, the new application has not been rolled out in this country. That should change now. The first users in Germany are said to have already received the update. The latest version of the software should replace the old “Android TV Remote Control” app and have a ...
The app lets your iOS device act as your Android TV's remote. It has both a d-pad mode and a touchpad mode, while a microphone button lets you quickly start a voice search. There's also a built-in keyboard with which to input text on your Android TV. You can connect multiple remo...