GoogleTVRemote能够 将Android手机上做为谷歌电视机的遥控器!您还可以向电视机推送视頻和网页页面,乃至用自身的响声来检索內容。 更新日志 Listofchanges 1.VoiceSearchsupportforGoogleTV3.0. 2.ReplacedtheswipingD-padtothenormalD-pad. 3.AddedAccessibility. 4.AddedD-PadNavigation.查看...
Google TV遥控器 Google TV Remote 2212次下载 相似应用,小编亲测可用 遥控器 44.22MB 查看 遥控器 43.84MB 查看 遥控器 49.71MB 查看 MA Remote 194.67MB 查看 你的安卓设备变成一个全功能的谷歌电视远程!使用的鼠标垫,箭头键,和全方位的按钮。您还可以与电视共享视频和网页,甚至使用语音搜索内容。 要...
iPhone 簡介 Easily control your ChromeCast GoogleTV with our powerful remote control app. With just a few simple steps, you can fully manage your TV directly from your phone, giving you complete control at your fingertips! Enjoy our new and faster UI that beautifully enhances your experience, ...
Android Wear has been playing nice with iOS devices for a while, and now it's time for Google's other Android spinoff to do the same, sort of. The search giant has released an Android TV app for iOS, which is already available to download from the iTunes
在上周推出基于 Google TV 应用的解决方案之后,今天外媒 Android Police 发现旧款的 Android TV Remote Control 应用已经从 Play Store 下架。随后,Google 官方回应称,正在结束对旧应用程序的支持。 目前尚不清楚这款应用是何时下架的,但可以确认是在 8 月 1 日之后。Google 近日通过 Google TV 应用推出了全新基...
带有Google TV 遥控器的 Chromecast 带有两个快捷按钮。第一个打开您选择的 YouTube 应用程序,第二个启动 Netflix。如果您想更改任一快捷方式的操作,您可以使用 Google TV 遥控器重新映射 Chromecast 上的按钮。 重新映射 YouTube 按钮 带有Google TV 遥控器的 Chromecast 上的 YouTube 按钮可以重新映射以快速打开...
没有下载的,不过我自己开发了一套Google tv remote server 端软件,这套软件如果安装到机顶盒或其它android设备上后,可以让google tv remote 发现并控制此设备,如果有需要可以联系我,QQ:254185571
After you install both the APKs, you should be able to pair your Android TV with the Google TV remote. Depending on where you are, you will have either the Google TV app or Google Play Moves & TV app installed on your phone. While the remote feature is available on both, the Google...
The Google TV app on Android will soon get a new remote control feature to help users control their Android TVs.