《Google TV安装app》是一款针对谷歌旗下的谷歌TV设置打造的专属移动app,你可以在手机上随时进行谷歌设置的操控,还能把它当作一个移动手机遥控器,不用使用遥控也能随时控制电视播放。 Google TV app点评 谷歌公司推出的设置专属遥控器 不用遥控 可用手机直接操控 ...
Last Update date :Aug 03. 2022 Samsung Smart TV offers user the ability to open apps, save and set up content as you like and connect through your Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. However, the flexibility doesn't just stop there, the smart TV can now be controlled through...
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《Google TV安装app》是一款针对谷歌旗下的谷歌TV设置打造的专属移动app,你可以在手机上随时进行谷歌设置的操控,还能把它当作一个移动手机遥控器,不用使用遥控也能随时控制电视播放。 Google TV app点评 谷歌公司推出的设置专属遥控器 不用遥控 可用手机直接操控 ...
Haier LE32K6200GA - 32 Inch Bezel Less Google Android TV - Smart AI Plus. Know full specification of Haier (LE32K6200GA) LED TV along with its features, price and images.
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* Feature availability may vary by TV model or region. * The Turn-on TV function availability may vary by model. * The feature(s) may not be available at the time of launch for 2019 model Samsung Smart TVs. * Some features and functions provided by the Smart TV may not be available ...
Haier LE75K6600HQGA - 75 Inch 4K Bezel Less Google Android TV - Smart AI Plus. Know full specification of Haier (LE75K6600HQGA) 4K LED TV along with its features, price and images.
下載X-plore App,這樣才能在Google TV 上安裝APK檔 先用電腦把Play Store APK檔上傳到雲端空間,等等才能在Google TV 用X-plore App開啟APK檔 首先是啟用開發人員模式,操作步驟依序是點選「設定」、「系統」、「關於」,然後往下滑看到「Android TV 作業系統版本」,選取後連點7下就能成功開啟開發人員設定模式。