我们还可以通过谷歌趋势了解季节性的营销趋势,比如以”伞“为例,我们看到从2004年至今,"umbrella"这个词呈现规律性的波动,每年的6月份,搜索热度达到全年的最高值,那是因为这个时候正好是美国的雨季。所以,如果你的业务与季节相关,则可以通过分析google trends快速谷关其峰值和最低点。在峰值到来之前优化现有的产品相...
Google Trends可以看到很多目前全世界的人正在关心的事情,比如Donald Trump(特朗普)就是一个常年热搜,...
四、衡量品牌 可以尝试在Google Trends中输入公司名、产品或者服务、竞争对手和供应商。可以在Google Trends中添加五个词语,以比较其搜索热度。 五、使用谷歌趋势来优化内容营销 可以直接去谷歌趋势的菜单栏查看热门主题,然后在结合自己的行业和产品写内容,这样会大大提高你博客文章被发现的可能性,而来的流量都是流量。
Google Trends, 也就是我们常说的谷歌趋势。谷歌趋势是谷歌旗下一款基于搜索数据推出的一款分析工具。它...
1、首先,访问https://trends.google.com,在谷歌趋势主页输入你要查看的搜索词。 (图源:Meira Gebel/Business Insider) 2、明确你的搜索词。如果你的公司或产品具有比较“泛”或有歧义的名称(如苹果),请务必指定出“ 苹果科技公司”,而不是水果范畴的“苹果”。
通过Google Trends,商家们可以深入了解客户行为变化,锁定地区热门,精准选择关键词,评估品牌竞争,甚至优化内容营销策略。这些工具不仅帮助选品,还能提升品牌曝光度,抓住市场脉搏。总结,2022年美国市场的热销趋势多姿多彩,从珠宝到游戏,从健身到环保,每一种品类都蕴含着商机。借助Google Trends的智慧,...
If you sell other brands’ products, you can definitely target these keywords with your product category pages. You can also compare multiple queries to see which ones are more popular: The only downside of using Google Trends for keyword research is that it doesn’t tell the terms’search vo...
november 20, 2022 maybe you have heard of google trends before and know a thing or two about how it works. what you might be missing, however, is some actionable tips on how to actually use these google search trends to your site’s benefit. that’s why we’re here! what you’ll ...
Google Trends keyword information by geographic location can be used for determining what areas are the best to outreach to for site promotion or for tailoring the content to specific regions. For example, if certain kinds of products are popular in Washington D.C. and Texas, it makes sense ...
Google 2022 search trends for KnoxvilleI love Google’s year end search trends each year, but this year’s presentation of local searches is particularly look. Here are the screen shots for Knoxville in 2022.December 22, 2022 Jack Lail Ramblings Google Trends...