这个开源项目要求依赖是 Python 3.6+ 。如果没安装的可以到 这里下载: 。为了使用方便,安装了带pip管理工具的。 下载py-googletranslation, $ pip install pygoogletranslation 为了科学上网,原来开源项目...
Though the translation result may not always be 100% accurate, it can be quite accurate with a few modifications. We have also integrated Google’s Input Tool, which allows you to easily edit or modify the translated اردو text. Additionally, our software is continuously evolving, an...
此外,Google 还表示,Google Translate 更能抵御机器翻译“幻觉”,这种“幻觉”是一种现象,人工智能模型在接收无谓输入时会产生奇怪的“翻译”,比如“Shenzhen Shenzhen Shaw International Airport(SSH)”,得到的泰卢固语(Telugu)结果就是“ష ష ష ష ష ష ష ష ష ష ష ష ష ష ...
Also since these languages each have their own unique scripts, Google has enabled a transliterated input method for those of you without Indian language keyboards. See the English to Tamil translation and English to Telugu translation in action below. You can download the fonts for all these langu...
Google's free online language translation service instantly translates text to other languages. Use this web site translator to convert a word, phrase, paragraph or whole text into your choice of language: Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic,Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Belarusian,Bengali, Bosnian...
此外,Google 还表示,Google Translate 更能抵御机器翻译“幻觉”,这种“幻觉”是一种现象,人工智能模型在接收无谓输入时会产生奇怪的“翻译”,比如“Shenzhen Shenzhen Shaw International Airport(SSH)”,得到的泰卢固语(Telugu)结果就是“ష ష ష ష ష ష ష ష ష ష ష ష ష ష ...
Google Translate Apk for Android is an international translation app while giving over 100 languages for you to translate even in an offline position. Smooth and quick work of the app gives a simple approach to any universal language when you are traveling in a region with non-English speaking...
in a selected language, then tap the mic again, and the Google Translate app will automatically recognize which of the two languages are being spoken. Finally,Voice Translation is coming to eight additional languages- Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu,...
Google's free online language translation service quickly translates web pages to other languages. Use this web site translator to convert web pages into your choice of language: Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic,Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Belarusian,Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cebuan...
Google Sky Map - Translation Project - Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Hindi . . . Does any one Translate Google Sky Map (Indian Sky Map) Strings to your Language (Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Hindi or more Indian Languages... strings.xml file in English is at...