This plugin performs translations in Editor window from one language to another. It uses service behind the scene.
Google 翻譯網站:準確、輕鬆地進行英語翻譯的關鍵。輕鬆翻譯 100 多種語言之間的文本、語音、圖像和網頁。
php if(function_exists(‘google_translate’)) google_translate(1); ?> Use As a Sidebar Widget If you would rather include the translation in a Widget sidebar you will first need to add a plugin which allows you to execute PHP within the sidebar. I recommend theExecPHP plugin. After insta...
Translate web pages to and from more than 100 languages URL of web page to translate FromDetect languageAfrikaansAlbanianAmharicArabicArmenianAzerbaijaniBasqueBelarusianBengaliBosnianBulgarianCatalanCebuanoChichewaChineseCorsicanCroatianCzechDanishDutchEnglishEsperantoEstonianFilipinoFinnishFrenchFrisianGalicianGeorgianGerman...
Though, my problem is that afterChoose languageis clicked and you hover the options (only English in this case) the box withsome text and the Google Translate plugindisappears (not the language options though). Any ideas for a solution? Are there any Google id/class for the...
翻译 登录 文字 图片 文档 网站 检测语言 英语 中文(简体) 德语 原文 0/ 5,000 翻译结果 翻译 发送反馈 历史记录 已保存
How to use 1. Select the part to be translated; 2. Select "Translate" item from popup menu; 3. "" web site will perform actual translation; 4. Response from the service will be inserted in place of selection. Author: Alexander Shvets (
目录 一、IDEA快速开发配置 1 二、IDEA插件 2 推荐安装 2 1、Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines(p3c) 2 2、FindBugs-IDEA 2 3、lombok 3 4、Maven Helper 4 5、Key promoter 4 6、JRebel Plugin 5 可选安装 5 1、VisualVM Launcher 5 2、Trans... ...
1. google浏览器,地址栏输入:chrome://extensions 2. 点击左侧三横杠图标,底部选择“打开chrome网上应用店” 3. 搜索栏中搜索:google translate 4. 安装扩展程序 5. 地址栏输入:chrome://extensions/shortcuts 6. 在google translate的扩展程序那一栏,点击小笔头图标 ...
Translate Webpages in Chrome on Windows and Mac There are many ways to use Google Translate on your Chrome browser, and in this section, we will cover each of them. Automatic Translation Pop-up When you land on a website that isn’t in your preferred language, Chrome browser will automati...