Google Translateis a free, multilingual machine translation service developed by Google. Using advanced machine learning algorithms, it offers users unparalleled accuracy and fluency in translating text between over 100 languages. Speak, type, or even point your camera to translate text in real-time, ...
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds Actions 展開表格 Detect language Detects the language of text within a request. Get language list Returns a list of supported languages for translation. Translate text Translates input text, returning translated text. Detect language Operation ID: LanguageDetect...
pythontranslategoogletranslateapipythongoogletranslate UpdatedDec 8, 2022 Python A simple script to translate text to the desired language using the free google translate python client API python3opensourceforgoodgoogletranslateapi UpdatedJan 23, 2022 ...
Handy app for translating blocks of text and text in images. However, it frequently gets Swedish-English translation wrong and also will translate each word in a phrase separately and literally, as opposed to what the phrase would actually be/mean in English, although it does seem to do this...
“Google lens” it automatically blocks out the original texts and puts the translation over it, like it did previously but now when I take the picture I can not scan the text and choose what part to translate. It simply takes a screen shot of the translation already made on the first ...
I am a fan of Google Translate as well as Google Text to Speech(TTS) and here is why.We live in the age, both of global connectivity, and of rapid advances in information technology. Since the age of 60, over the last 17 years, at a stage in life when, supposedly, our memory ... the first argument after thetranslate_a/: eithersingleort the clients which can begtx,tordict-chrome-ex[orapparently any ID] So far I have seen differences in the JSON returned. Thishttps://translate.googleap...
然而,谷歌翻译版的作文通常更精妙,语法错误也更少。此外,用母语写作时,认知负荷可能会减少。例如,一名学生用英语写道: “Students will get tired in class.” 而在翻译版本中,则变成了“Students will doze off in class.” 在另一个例子中,一名学生用英语写道:“…use less cost for electric things”,而...
//usage: var translated = TranslateText("en", "ar", "Happy Translating"); public string TranslateText(string srclang, string destlang, string trns) { var utf8 = new UTF8Encoding(false); var client = TranslationClient.Create(GoogleCredential.FromFile(path to json credentials file)); var re...
这些产品涵盖了一系列的应用场景,包括电子邮件(Gmail)、导航(Waze & Maps)、云计算(Cloud)、网页浏览(Chrome)、视频分享(YouTube)、生产力工具(Workspace)、操作系统(Android)、云存储(Drive)、语言翻译(Translate)、照片存储(Photos)、视频通话(Meet)、智能家居(Nest)、智能手机(Pixel)、可穿戴技术(Pixel Watch &...