Translate large dataset to any language with google translation api and multithreads processing, no key required! datatranslatortranslationfreetranslategroqgoogletranslateapihuggingface-datasetsnoapikeygroq-apigroq-integration UpdatedOct 4, 2024 Python ...
Free Google Translator API 免费的Google翻译,其中的破解思路主要来源于将的web访问方式模拟成全部代码的形式来控制api的访问 注意事项 1.大量的相同IP请求会导致Google翻译接口返回 429 Too many requests 建议处理方案:每一个app客户端自己去请求此接口,就可以避免只有一个IP的服务器去请...
g_translate g_translate  Try it gamepad gamepad  Try it games games  Try it gavel gavel  Try it gesture gesture  Try it get_app get_app  Try it gif gif  Try it golf_course golf_course  Try it gps_fixed ...
Copies of the files you have access to may be pasted below. Try using this information before searching/fetching when possible. The contents of the file ttnly.txt are copied here.After I send you the English text, translate it accordingly.: ``` 惊蛰一过,春寒加剧。先是料料峭峭,继而雨季开始...
Real-time collaboration with other users is also possible meaning that you can work with documents the way you do in Google Drive. TheChatGPTintegration brings new capabilities allowing you touse the chatbot to analyze and summarize texts, translate words and sentences,generate images, find synonyms...
or bypass a significant fraction of mitigations. Reported attacks always start with an initial vulnerability so it is tempting to invest all of our effort there, but this neglects beneficial interventions later in the attack mesh. Reductions in attacker utility translate to increases in attacker cos...
Select the text, click "Tools," select "Translate document," and then choose your preferred language to translate your text instantly. Compare documents to spot variances Google Docs has a compare document feature that allows you to identify differences between two documents and discover changes. ...
Incremental FS is a "special-purpose Linux virtual file system that allows execution of a program while its binary and resource files are still being lazily downloaded over the network, USB etc." The purpose of this feature is "to allow running big Android apps before their binaries and resour...
Google Translate 12 ❌ Crashes on startup due to reliance on Google Services Framework Grab 5.172.200 11 ✅ Gycso 1.1.0 12, 11 ✅ HBO Max 11 ⚠️ Failed to play video (internal player fails to display image and play sound). Hidden Setti...
The presence of this comment stops reformatting of that line, because the comments are required to be next to the string they translate. I18N_FUNCTION_CALL The internationalization function call names. The presence of this function stops reformatting on that line, because the string it has ...