Google Cloud Translation Basic (or Google Translate API v2) is one of the best-known machine translation services available. The service is free –but there is an API call charge for using it to translate a large amount of text, or using it within another tool. The Go...
The principal value of Google Translate is“gisting”, that is, enabling a reader who is knowledgeable about a subject to [...] 谷歌翻译的主要价值是“粗略翻译”, 也就是说,使一位已熟悉某一专题的读者对源文件有一个基本了解。 Through its Google...
Seegoogle-translate-clientproject for a working example of a FE project using this API (translating into multiple languages simultanously!) IMPORTANT NOTICE Google provides an Enterprise API for translating large amounts of text. It is actuallynot so expensive. If you need to use it for anything...
glyphicon glyphicon-text-size  Try it glyphicon glyphicon-text-width  Try it glyphicon glyphicon-th  Try it glyphicon glyphicon-th-large  Try it glyphicon glyphicon-th-list  Try it glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-down  Try it glyphicon glyphico...
Amazon Translate: Amazon Translate is designed specifically for business needs. It offers high-quality translations for large amounts of text, such as technical documentation, product descriptions, and customer support material. It excels at handling formal language and technical terminology. Google Trans...
Google Ads is one of the most powerful platforms for paid advertising. Not only does it put a large breadth of advertising tools at your fingertips, it also gives you access to users of the world’s two largest search engines—Google and YouTube, respectively—and a network of millions of...
The encoder containsself-attentionlayers. In a self-attention layer all of the keys, values and queries come from the same place, in this case, the output of the previous layer in the encoder. Each position in the encoder can attend to all positions in the previous layer of the encoder....
We are excited about the future of attention-based models and plan to apply them to other tasks. We plan to extend the Transformer to problems involving input and output modalities other than text and to investigate local, restricted attention mechanisms to efficiently handle large inputs and outp...
“Stepes is ideal for business applications that require large amounts of content translated in real time and with good quality, such as large ecommerce sites where user added information must be translated on-demand or international call centers providing customer support across borders, to name ju...
Seegoogle-translate-clientproject for a working example of a FE project using this API (translating into multiple languages simultanously!) IMPORTANT NOTICE Google provides an Enterprise API for translating large amounts of text. It is actuallynot so expensive. If you need to use it for anything...