翻译登录翻译类型 文字 图片 文档 网站 文本翻译 检测语言 英语 中文(简体) 德语 swap_horiz 中文(简体) 英语 日语 原文 0 / 5,000 翻译结果 翻译 发送反馈
About 20% gibberish coming from the English-Japanese translator can be highly amusing but gets irritating when it can’t provide any alternatives 更多 mienminlah , 2021/07/03 It was doing fine until recently I have been using this app for months to translate Chinese (simplified) to ...
The Google Translate app already lets you snap a photo of Japanese text and get a translation for it in English. But it’s a whole lot more convenient if you can just point your camera and instantly translate text on the go. With Word Lens, you just need to fire up the Translate app...
Handy app for translating blocks of text and text in images. However, it frequently gets Swedish-English translation wrong and also will translate each word in a phrase separately and literally, as opposed to what the phrase would actually be/mean in English, although it does seem to do this...
Google has updated its Translate app for both Android and iOS platforms. It's not a big update, but brings a useful feature: Instant camera English to/from Japanese translation. Image credit: Android Police This means that if you have the translation pack for Japanese, you'll ...
Google Translate Updates Mobile App With Live 'Word Lens' Japanese Translations Thursday January 26, 2017 7:11 am PST byMitchel Broussard Google Translate recently updated its iOS and Android applications, bringing Japanese-to-English and English-to-Japanese translation support to its augmented reality...
ExitApp } GoogleTranslate("预加载") ; 长按鼠标右键划词翻译,会改变剪贴板内容。【可自行做还原剪贴板的优化】 $RButton:: KeyWait, RButton, T0.6 if (ErrorLevel=1) { Send ^c 翻译显示Gui("auto", "zh-CN") } else Send {RButton} Return ~^c:: t:=-oldt+(oldt:=A_TickCount) if (...
PDF/WebPages Reader with embedded Google Translate and voice engine on SwiftUI, Combine, Catalyst, AppKit javascriptmacosswifteducationsafari-extensiondictionariespeer-to-peerlanguage-learningcatalystenglish-dictionaryenglish-translationenglish-learninggoogle-translatorswiftuiipadoscombine-frameworkvoice-enginesapple-vi...
# package since it allows a special argument grammar to override the source # and/or target language at search time, of each item defined here: # http://keypirinha.com/packages/googletranslate.html [defaults] # The display name of the default item # Default: Translate #i...
文件是由Google Translate进行机器翻译。我们不对翻译的质量做任何保证,也不建议在专业场合使用任何这些翻译的文件。所有的文件都是按原样提供的,不保证质量和正确性,而且不应该被用来替代专业的翻译文件。 翻译后,我的文档或其私人和机密信息是否会被存储?