Google Traduttore Inglese Italiano is a powerful tool that allows users to translate text and web pages from English to Italian or vice versa. This tool is powered by Google's machine learning algorithms, which enable it to produce accurate and natural translations. Features Some of the key feat...
Translation uses a Google pre-trained or a custom machine learning model to translate text. By default, Translation uses a Google pre-trained Neural Machine Translation (NMT) model, which Google updates on semi-regular cadence when more training data or better techniques become available.This connec...
: Questo è un testo inglese da tradurre in italiano. Global $g_sMytext, $g_sFrom, $g_sTo, $g_Url, $g_oHTTP, $g_sData $g_sMytext = "This is an English text to be translated into Italian." $g_sFrom = "en" $g_sTo = "it" $g_Url = "へのオーガニックトラフィックをもたらした上位キーワードのリストを表示する (デスクトップ、ワールドワイド) traduttore273.7KVOL: 15,332,450$0.03google traduttore206.8KVOL: 3,738,240$0.02google translate168.1KVOL: 79,118,370$0.17traduttore inglese italiano53.5KVOL: 1,...
google traduttore inglese italiano - 任何代码示例 📅 最后修改于: 2022-03-11 14:58:16.642000 🧑 作者: Mangopip 版本命令 - 任何代码示例 64316 - 任何代码示例 代码示例2 # pip install googletrans from googletrans import Translator translator = Translator() print(translator.translate("Traduisez des...