A Study of Query Translation Using Google Machine Translation System Query translation is an important step in cross-language information retrieval (CLIR), therefore the quality of the translations of queries can significant... W Dan,D He - International Conference on Computational Intelligence & ...
将“googleads.g.doubleclick.net"翻译成印度尼西亚文.例句:唯有於 2018 年 2 月之後申請 G Suite 的客戶才具備這個角色的選項。
Improved pistol which is defined essentially for sliding frame (1) is made of steel, form an independent grip (2) part which is made of a different material, preferably polymer and glass fiber, so to reduce the cost of gun and largely absorb vibrations caused in the firing. (Machine-trans...
Along with the fast development of the information technology and its widespread application in education, the Internet becomes an important channel of achieving information and knowledge. It has come to be one important distraction which stops students paying full attention to their school work, though...
Perfected decontainer; of the type of employees in corkscrew and having a blade (1) provided, at least, with a cutting edge for cutting the capsules of the bottles and is mounted by means of a shaft (2) on the body (3) ) of the corkscrew being able to be arranged in the open po...
Floor for shoes, perfected which is characterized by being formed by a molded part, whose interior is hollow, open at the top, or joining with the rest of the footwear, and subdivided by partitions into cavities or cells of rectangular, circular section, prismatic or oval. (Machine-translati...
Screen for perfected lamp, characterized essentially because it is constituted by a circular annular frame or not that is endowed with radial extensions that at their end are layering forming claws where they are threaded and retain flat semi-rigid sheets that are curved transversely outward and th...
An improved automatic ashtray, characterized by the fact that its crown or upper bowl, is supported and embedded in the upper part of a wide hollow base, the base of the bowl being opened, which is covered by a diaphragm capable of moving, timely to one side, activating, for it, at wi...
Sofa convertible, improved, the type of furniture elements which allow transformations and changes that enable the configuration of different structures that stained originally; characterized because it has a lower body or frame (1) provided with a seat (9) and a backrest (8) and engageable with...
Forged floors, perfected, essentially characterized because it is constituted by three elements, one called joist, another called vault and the so-called breast filling and compression layer; in such a way that the joist element can be reinforced or prestressed concrete and has a double "T" sha...