Google Translate Apk Friendly User-Interface The interface is smooth and easy to use, just like that of the web version. The central window is cut into two parts; original language and targeted language. You paste the text orcapture the photoright from the camera provided by the app and get...
which “enables developers to convert audio to text by applying powerful neural network models in an easy to use API” and already supports 89 languages. “Soon” they will also be available on other Google products such as Translate.
Google Translate Installation: composer require ammarfaizi2/googletranslate Usage : <?phprequire"src/GoogleTranslate.php";// require "vendor/autoload.php"; // when using composeruseGoogleTranslate\GoogleTranslate;// Translate from Indonesia to English.$text="Apa kabar?";$from="id";// Indonesia$...
Translate Shell Translate Shell (formerly Google Translate CLI) is a command-line translator powered by Google Translate (default), Bing Translator, Yandex.Translate, and Apertium. It gives you easy access to one of these translation engines in your terminal: $ trans 'Saluton, Mondo!' Saluton, ...
Translate Shell 是一个支持 Google Translate、Bing Translator、Yandex.Translate 和 Apertium 翻译引擎的命
谷歌翻译语言?JAVANESE? 基本信息 守则jw 谷歌名称JAVANESE 非谷歌的名字JAVANESE 翻译? 其他资料来源比较 翻译范例 英语JAVANESE