该项目“rd-ar-google-translate”是一个创新的视觉应用,它结合了增强现实(AR)技术和Google Translate API,以实现实时的多语言标签功能。这个应用程序旨在为用户提供一个方便的工具,帮助他们在不同语言环境中轻松理解周围环境的信息。 我们要了解AR(增强现实)技术。AR是一种将数字信息叠加到现实世界的技术,使用户能够...
其中一個最顯著且有用的特點,應該就是「 AR 即時翻譯」功能,可以把外文海報、票券、菜單上的文字,即時變成中文內容,讓你一看就懂。 當然,「 AR 即時翻譯」不是新技術,之前像是微軟翻譯,甚至 Google 自己的Google 翻譯,都有類似這樣的鏡頭即時翻譯功能。 不過這次我實際測試「 Google 智慧鏡頭( Google Lens )」...
翻译显示Gui(from := "auto", to := "zh-CN") { Static OriginalText, OriginalTextCopy, Result, ResultCopy, ClickTip ClipWait 2 OriginalText := Clipboard Result := GoogleTranslate(OriginalText, from, to) Result := Result="" ? GoogleTranslate(OriginalText, from, to) : Result ; 加一行改...
AN ANALYSIS OF TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES AND QUALITY OF THE URL: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party TRANSLATED BY GOOGLE TRANSLATE This research belongs to a qualitative research employing descriptive method. It aims to describe the translation technique occurrs in the translation and the quality ass...
Note:Same language translation—from en-US to en-GB, for example—is not supported. Language PairLanguage Codes Afrikaans <-> Englishaf<->en Albanian <-> Englishsq<->en Arabic <-> Englishar<->en Azerbaijani <-> Englishaz<->en
doi:10.32699/cllient.v1i02.950Arjulayana Arjulayana
political sensitivity, like the appropriate name for the language, and the appropriate writing system to use for it. And only native speakers could answer the ultimate question: given the current quality of translation, would it be valuable to the community for Google Translate to support this ...
AR Translate is an impressive innovation that looks as though it’s taken straight out of a sci-fi film. People will not only be able to translate the posters they would see at a museum, zoo, or other tourist attraction when they travel to different countries, but one day they will also...
En realidadestoy usando Google Translate paraescribir esto. ParaCrawl Corpus I'mgoingtoattempt a bilingual responseusing Google Translate, so please forgive me if the Spanishtranslationis poor. Voy aintentar una respuesta bilingüeutilizando Google Translate, así que por favor me perdone si latraducci...