曾经的Live search(现在的Bing)和Google都推出了相应的在线翻译服务。由于技术上的局限,这些服务并没有得到大力推广。不过,Bing和 Google都很自然的支持整体页面的翻译(在搜索结果旁边有相应的翻译选项)。 用户也可以直接登陆http://www.microsofttranslator.com/或者http://translate.google.com来使用各自的文本翻译功能...
functionrun(input){varoutput="https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=en&tl=zh-CN&text="+encodeURIComponent(input)returnoutput;} 导出成为service,我这里是Google Translation to Chinese: image.png 如果google打不开,目前国内比较好用的是bing和有道: // 有道functionrun(input){varoutp...
曾经的Live search(现在的Bing)和Google都推出了相应的在线翻译服务。由于技术上的局限,这些服务并没有得到大力推广。不过,Bing和 Google都很自然的支持整体页面的翻译(在搜索结果旁边有相应的翻译选项)。 用户也可以直接登陆http://www.microsofttranslator.com/或者http://translate.google.com来使用各自的文本翻译功能...
曾经的Live search(现在的Bing)和Google都推出了相应的在线翻译服务。由于技术上的局限,这些服务并没有得到大力推广。不过,Bing和 Google都很自然的支持整体页面的翻译(在搜索结果旁边有相应的翻译选项)。 用户也可以直接登陆http://www.microsofttranslator.com/或者http://translate.google.com来使用各自的文本翻译功能...
As you might have noticed, Bing Translate is a somewhat simplified version of Microsoft Translator – meant to be accessed through the Bing search engine. The catalog of available languages is therefore the same as in the main Microsoft Translator tool. ...
Google Translate vs. Bing Translator, 谁的机器翻译效果更好?-- 下篇 作 者:Joelle Mornini译 者:Jackie Li来 源:Intellogist(注:Intellogist是Landon IP旗下的关于专利技术检索的免费学习、交流的网站。Landon IP (www.landon-ip.com)是业内领先的知识产权研究公司,也是在欧美久负盛名的知识产权培训公司Patent...
Google Translate is a free Google service that translates between scores of languages almost as quickly as Google returns search results. 谷歌翻译是一项在多种语言间互译的免费服务,速度几乎和谷歌返回搜索结果一样快。 article.yeeyan.org 6. Google Translate and other free online translation tools can be...
So there you have it: the top 15 search engines. Some similar, some different, and some surprising. Now that you know about search engines other than Google, give one or two a try. If privacy is your concern, hang out with DuckDuckGo or Ecosia. Need to translate a document, try Yandex...
As AR heads to Google search, Lens learns to translate, add tips, and more Google Lens can soon help you decide what to eat by scanning the menu, then calculate the tip with one look at the receipt. Translation options are also expanding for Lens, while 3D objects and augmented reality ...