Google Translate API Key是一种用于访问Google Translate API的密钥,它以JSON格式提供。Google Translate API是一项提供机器翻译服务的云计算服务,可以将文本从一种语言翻译成另一种语言。 JSON格式是一种轻量级的数据交换格式,易于阅读和编写。它由键值对组成,用于表示数据结构。Google Translate API Key以JSON格式提供...
装包: yarn add @google-cloud/translate const{Translate} =require('@google-cloud/translate').v2letgoogleKey ='xxx'letprojectId ='xxx'consttranslate =newTranslate({ projectId,key: googleKey })constchatGoogleTranslateOnAzure=async(req, res) => {let{ text ='你好', target ='en', apiKey =...
Google Translate API Key是一种用于访问Google Translate API的密钥,它以JSON格式提供。Google Translate API是一项提供机器翻译服务的云计算服务,可以将文本从一种语言翻译成另一种语言。 JSON格式是一种轻量级的数据交换格式,易于阅读和编写。它由键值对组成,用于表示数据结构。Google Translate API Key以JSON格式提供...
翻译登录翻译类型 文字 图片 文档 网站 文本翻译 检测语言 英语 中文(简体) 德语 swap_horiz 中文(简体) 英语 日语 原文 0 / 5,000 翻译结果 翻译 发送反馈
const translate = new Translate({ projectId, key: googleKey }) const chatGoogleTranslateOnAzure = async (req, res) => { let { text = '你好', target = 'en', apiKey = 'sk-xxx' } = req.body if (apiKey === 'xxx') {
const translate = new Translate({ projectId, key: googleKey }) const chatGoogleTranslateOnAzure = async (req, res) => { let { text = '你好', target = 'en', apiKey = 'sk-xxx' } = req.body if (apiKey === 'xxx') {
This isn't a bug report, just a sharing of some findings while looking through minified source code. While digging through the source code of Google's Google Dictionary Chrome extension, which has support for translating via Google Trans...
获取Google API Key,Map Geocoding Place Street View Translate 目前Google API 服务已经不再完全免费了, 如果要进行开发试用,获取API KEY非常麻烦,需要绑定结算账户,国内的卡基本上通不过验证。Directions API Distance Matrix API Geocoding API Geolocation API Maps Elevation API Maps Embed API...
Unfortunately, the Yandex Translate API is not free. The API pricing is based on number of characters in the requests as seenhere: How do you get a Google Translate API Key? Create a new Project from the top bar. With the new project selected, go to the hamburger menu to the left and...
pythontranslationgoogletranslategoogletranspython-translatorgoogletranslateapipygoogletranslation UpdatedMar 2, 2021 Python vTuanpham/Large_dataset_translator Star65 Translate large dataset to any language with google translation api and multithreads processing, no key required!