By default, these add-ons generate English-language tags. You can use the Google Translation add-on to translate your automatically generated tags into anysupported languageor into multiple languages, using theGoogle Cloudstate-of-the-art Neural Machine Translation. ...
Translate Me (177) 100,000+ 个用户 高效工作 获取 与你的浏览器不兼容 描述 选择文本,然后右键单击以启动谷歌翻译 用户评价 排序方式 智 智辉 2024年11月5日 2024/11/05,还是不能用 这对你有帮助吗? | S sir 2022年4月1日 用不了 ...
For multitaskers, this add-on can be a fine addition to the list of add-ons they have pinned in their tool-bar. Moreover, Open in Google™ Translate can help you select source languages and target from the add-ons options page. This addon also gives you the option of either ...
📌在线翻译:搭配Google Translate和百度翻译支持的数百种语言翻译,保留历史记录,便捷高效。 ❓为什么选择我们? ✔全面支持:翻译效果与无区别,支持上百种语言互译,满足不同用户的需求。 ✔精准翻译:集成谷歌翻译和百度学术等专业引擎,确保翻译的高准确率。 ✔用户友好:简洁直观的...
Navigate to the Google Translate website to determine if the service operates without issues. Solution 6: Use Chrome Extension Google Translate provides extensions/add-ons for most major browsers. If the website is problematic, using the browser’s extension can be a workaround, as both source ...
Google Translate for Chrome guidesThe most relevant tutorials from Add-ons & Tools The best tutorials of Google Translate for Chrome Tips for using Google Translate on Chrome in 3 steps Complete Guide for How to Use Google Translate Latest guides of Google Translate for Chrome...
Google Translate for Chrome newsThe most relevant news from Add-ons & Tools Highlight Google Translate for Chrome news Google Translate gains dominion over Gboard temporarily Google Translate adds 60 languages Latest news of Google Translate for Chrome ...
Setting up the add-on The settings of the Cloud Translation by Google add-on are divided into the following sections: Google Translate API settings In the API field, enter the API key from your Google Cloud Translation account. To do so, you’ll need to create an account in theGoogle Clo...
將檔案命名為 translate。依序點選「新增檔案」add >「HTML」。將檔案命名為 sidebar。將每個檔案的內容替換為下列對應的程式碼,然後按一下「儲存」。執行指令碼在Google 簡報中重新載入頁面。 依序點選「擴充功能」「翻譯投影片」>附加元件選單項目可能需要幾秒鐘的時間才會顯示。 出現提示時,請授權使用外掛程式...
"Popup View for Google™ Translate" add-on lets you have access to the beloved Google Translate on any websites. Upon selecting a word or sentence, a bubble appears near the selected area, allow you to load Google™ Translate inside the page instead of switching to a new tab and ...