The article reports that Google Inc., faces a struggle to hold on to its GMail brand across the European Union, after settling a trade mark dispute in the Great Britain over the name of its email service. After an 18-month battle with Independent International Investment Research, Google has...
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Selling your Google Pixel device couldn’t be easier. As the no.1 phone recycling service in the UK, Mazuma Mobile has streamlined our process so we can offer you a great price for your old phone. All you need to do is follow these simple steps and you can sell your Google Pixel for...
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This inquiry comes on the heels of a similar investigation by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which earlier this year began probing the partnerships and investments in AI startups by companies like Alphabet, Amazon...
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Indonesia steps up trade protectionism with Apple and Google phone bans South-east Asia’s largest economy pushes foreign tech groups to invest locally or lose market access November 1 2024 Business InsightRichard Waters Google is winning the AI search wars ...