Skip tracks: “Skip this song” Set timers: “Set a timer for 2 minutes” Cancel timers: “Cancel the timer” Pause & resume timers: “Pause the timer” Reset timers: “Reset the timer” Show timers: “How much time is left?” Reminders: “Create a reminder” Family notes: “Create ...
Set a music timer: "Alexa, set a 15-minute timer to My Heart will Go On" Create a named timer: "Alexa, set a pizza timer for 20 minutes." Set multiple timers: "Alexa, set a second timer for 5 minutes." Check timer status: "Alexa, how much time is left on the pizza timer?" ...
Setting an alarm or timer with the Google Home is as easy as saying, “Hey Google, set an alarm for 7 AM” or “Hey Google, set a timer for 30 minutes.” The Google Home will immediately confirm your request and notify you when the time is up. What’s great about the Google Home...
You can’t get something done if you don’t remember to do it. Set a friendly reminder to tackle your cleaning projects around the house. Just say, “Hey Google, remind me to clean my closet” or “Hey Google, remind me to store my winter clothes.” Kickstart your cleaning session by...
The new App Timer enables you to make sure that 20 minutes of Twitter doesn’t turn into an hour. Wind Down, which goes a step beyond blue-light filtering to turn your screen from color to grayscale, is a nice reminder that it’s bedtime. It will help many of us resist the powerful...
Whether you're using an Assistant-enabled speaker or a screen-packin' Smart Display, having a virtual genie at your desk can bring a serious boost to your home-working productivity.
“Set a reminder for …”— Add reminders to your calendar, complete with time and place, so you’ll never miss a date again. “Set a timer for …”— Slow cooking a chicken or taking a quick nap? Assistant timers have many uses. ...
t.send(newHitBuilders.TimingBuilder().setCategory('Timer').setValue(63000).setVariable('User registration').setLabel('Form').build()); The default session duration is 30 minutes and can be set at the Google Analytics property level. You can also start a new session manually by using the...
Delete reminders:“OK, Google, delete my reminders for tomorrow,”“OK, Google, delete my reminder to [title],” or “OK, Google, delete all of my reminders.” Check notifications:“OK, Google, what’s up?,” or “OK, Google, what are my notifications?” ...
To set the reminder, you can say, "OK, Google, set a reminder for my wedding anniversary," and it's done, other than thanking Google Assistant for maintaining your wedded bliss. (By the way, Google Assistant will reply with "You're welcome" should you thank it). (Image credit: Tom'...