Mobile sites do not always make users happy. TheZapposwebsite passed the Google mobile test, but users are presented with a request to install the mobile application before gaining access to the website. This may be fine for people who are regular customers wanting to make a commitment, but ...
随着移动互联时代的到来,越来越多的网站要求兼顾手机和平板端的用户体验,于是如何确定一个网站是否移动端友好变得极为重要,幸好Google推出了一款官方的测试工具:Google Mobile-Friendly Test : 我们就拿一个我们的案例来举例说明: 测试结果,截图如下: 从以上截图可以看出,此站已经是移动端...
There are things you can do now to make sure you areranking well on the mobile-first index. We’re going to assume that you either have a dedicated mobile website or, better still, a responsive site. If not, you might want to get that sorted out before you continue with this article...
Google Mobile-Friendly TestLori Gama
谷歌GMS认证(Google Mobile Services Test Certification )是谷歌公司为了确保全世界的硬件厂商设计和生产的安卓为基础的各种智能硬件产品的兼容性、稳定性,以及这些硬件与安卓各种自带的各种软件APP产品和服务的兼容性、稳定性方面的测试和认证,包括安卓智能手机、安卓智能平板、安卓手表、安卓智能汽车、谷歌眼镜、人工智能、...
To find out if Google considers your website Mobile friendly, use theGoogle Mobile Friendly Test. Paste in the link to your website and click “Analyze.” If your site passes, your done. If your site fails the test, now is the time to update your site to a format friendly to mobile...
摘要: The article focuses on the announcement of technology firm Google relating to the changes in its search algorithm for searches conducted on smart phones and ranking of the mobile-friendliness of websites under the name "Mobilegeddon." Topics discussed include Google's Mobile friendly test for...
Google 推出 Mobile Web Specialist 認證 Google 推出的 Mobile Web Specialist (手機開發人員)認證是一個 Open book Test ,在考試中你需要克服不同的編程考驗,還有一個 10 分鐘的對談。在對談中你可以解釋你用什麼思維去解決考試的問題,而編程時間方面你有 4 小時,如果你第一次不成功還有 3 次的機會,而整個...
Google test has been used on a variety of platforms:Linux Mac OS X Windows Cygwin MinGW Windows Mobile SymbianWho Is Using Google Test?In addition to many internal projects at Google, Google Test is also used by the following notable projects:...
It may be possible to restore access to this site by following these instructions for clearing your dns cache. There has been a server misconfiguration. You must verify that your hosting provider has the correct IP address configured for your Apache settings and DNS records. A restart of ...