许多公司都在探讨人才数字化的方法,将人才进行建模,以便更好的选用,而通过TensorFlow Developer认证的人才,可以将证书放在简历上,或放在领英或脉脉里面,这样的数字化简历,能够更好地向雇主展示你的技能。 在领英上搜索TensorFlow Developer认证这一关键词,你会发现有很多人已经通过了这个考试,其中不乏行业大牛,包括微软的...
TensorFlow数字徽章。图片取自Alina Shinkarsky的文章《Introducing the TensorFlow Developer Certificate!》 TensorFlow开发者认证考试要求使用Python语言完成该项考试。在考试过程中,我们利用Python的TensorFlow库以及TensorFlow的API。每次考试需要花费$100。如果你第一次考试不及格,需要的话,你得再花$100在两周后再一次参...
machine-learning firebase tensorflow weather-information machinelearning flutter farmers firestore flutter-app crop-disease-detection google-solution-challenge-2024 Updated Feb 25, 2024 Dart TheMohit2003 / Google-Solution-Challenge-Frontend Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests ServiMatch: Bridging the Gap ...
TensorFlowML.NETML.NET is an open source and cross-platform machine learning framework for both machine learning & AI. TensorFlowONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange)ONNX is an open format built to represent machine learning models that facilitates maximum compatibility and increased inference performance...
TensorFlow: ML framework 🔗 Platform Comparisons Google Cloud Platform for AWS Professionals: 📄 Google Cloud Platform for Azure Professionals: 📄 Google Cloud Platform for Data Center Professionals: 📄 Google Cloud Platform for OpenStack Users: 📄 Language Specific Documentation Apps Script: 📄...
Tensor2Tensor(T2T)是Google Brain Team在Github上开源出来的一套基于TensorFlow的深度学习系统。该系统最初是希望完全使用Attention方法来建模序列到序列(Sequence-to-Sequence,Seq2Seq)的问题,对应于《Attention Is All You Need》这篇论文。该项工作有一个有意思的名字叫“Transformer”。随着系统的不断扩展,T2T支持...
创建TLS证书资源:在Ingress规则中,您需要为SSL终止配置TLS证书。在GCP控制台中,导航到"Security" > "Certificate",然后点击"Create Certificate"按钮创建一个新的TLS证书资源。 上传GoDaddy证书:在创建TLS证书资源时,您需要上传您从GoDaddy获取的证书文件。将证书文件上传到GCP,并按照指导完成证书的配置。
TensorFlow/Keras TFUG Agadirhosted#MLReadyphase as a part of #30DaysOfML. #MLReady aimed to prepare the attendees with the knowledge required to understand the different types of problems which deep learning can solve, and helped attendees be prepared for the TensorFlow Certificate. ...
This long specialization is created by thegoogle career certificate, which is a part of growth with google. It is an initiative that aims to help people get digital skills like google ads or data science or data analytics and created by experts in the field to be comfortable learning data an...
3. Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform Specialization (Coursera)Machine Learning and Cloud are driving major transformations across several industries today. A wide variety of environments, all the way from start-ups to global enterprises are observing a huge demand for cloud ...