Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2024 presents an unparalleled opportunity for aspiring coders like you to explore open source software development. This global, online program is not just about writing code; it’s about becoming an integral part of the open source community and contributing to ...
Google Summer of Code(下称作 GSoC)是谷歌组织并提供经费,面对全球(绝大多数国家)在读学生的在线编程项目。它的官方介绍是: Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program that matches students up with open source, free software and technology-related organizations to write code and get paid to...
1 什么是GSOC? 根据官网介绍: Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development. Students work on a three month programming project with an open source organization during their break from university. Since its inception in 20...
Google Summer of Code Program 2024: Apply Now Google Summer of Code is an open-source program that is managed by Google’s Open Source team. It invites developers to spend their summer contributing to the source code for various different organizations taking part in the program. There are man...
这个问题,我们先来看看 Google 官方是怎么说的:(出自 What is Google Summer of Code?) Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program that matches students up with open source, free software and technology-related organizations to write code and get paid to do it! The organizations provide ...
这个问题,我们先来看看 Google 官方是怎么说的:(出自 What is Google Summer of Code?) Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program that matches students up with open source, free software and technology-related organizations to write code and get paid to do it! The organizations provide ... 所以现在有很多活动可以供大家来选择,有些同学可能在想,要不要同时参加多个活动来刷刷经历?首先我个人认为,对于绝大多数同学,可能不太适合去同时去参加多个活动,可以从两方面来探讨这个问题。 第一,时间分配。因为每一个活动,都提出了时间上的要求。虽然不是强制要求花多少... 所以现在有很多活动可以供大家来选择,有些同学可能在想,要不要同时参加多个活动来刷刷经历?首先我个人认为,对于绝大多数同学,可能不太适合去同时去参加多个活动,可以从两方面来探讨这个问题。 第一,时间分配。因为每一个活动,都提出了时间上的要求。虽然不是强制要求花多少...社区项目介绍pocketpy是一个为游戏编程而设计的轻量级的 Python 解释器,基于 C++ 17 与 STL。它旨在成为 lua 游戏脚本… 阅读全文 赞同 6 6 条评论 分享 收藏 安利时间: Processing + R = ? 所以现在有很多活动可以供大家来选择,有些同学可能在想,要不要同时参加多个活动来刷刷经历?首先我个人认为,对于绝大多数同学,可能不太适合去同时去参加多个活动,可以从两方面来探讨这个问题。 第一,时间分配。因为每一个活动,都提出了时间上的要求。虽然不是强制要求花多少...