Envision yourself as a part of an innovative global community, coding your way through the summer. The 2024 Google Summer of Code offers this unique chance. But what exactly is this program? How does it work, and what can you gain from being a part of it? From mentor guidance to lasting...
This year we are again participating in theGoogle Summer of Code. We, joined with theMariaDB Foundation, believe we are making a better database that remains application compatible with MySQL. We also work on making LGPL connectors (currentlyC,C++,ODBC,Java,Node.js) and onMariaDB Galera Clus...
ProgramGoogle Summer of Code, 2024 Organisation Sktime: A unified framework for ML with time series Project Sktime integration with deep learning backends - pytorch and huggingface - Dashboard Mentors Franz Király - Benedikt Heidrich - Anirban Ray Project Length 350 hours (Large) Overview I worked...
Google Summer of Code Program 2024: Apply Now Google Summer of Code is an open-source program that is managed by Google’s Open Source team. It invites developers to spend their summer contributing to the source code for various different organizations taking part in the program. There are man...
.github assets .gitignore CODE.ipynb README.md Breadcrumbs Google-Summer-of-Code-2024-Sktime / CODE.ipynb Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 1232 lines (1232 loc) · 347 KB Raw Viewer requires iframe....
我们很高兴地宣布,Electron 已被接受为第 20 届“谷歌代码之夏(GSoC)2024”的指导机构!Google Summer of Code 是一个全球计划,专注于将新贡献者引入到开源软件的开发中。 欲了解更多计划详情,请查阅 Google 的Summer of Code 主页。 关于我们 Electron 是一个 JavaScript 框架,用于使用 Web 技术构建跨平台桌面应...
This year we are again participating in theGoogle Summer of Code. TheMariaDB Foundationbelieves we are making a better database that remains application compatible with MySQL. We also work on making LGPL connectors (currentlyC,C++,ODBC,Java,Node.js) and onMariaDB Galera Cluster, which allows ...
“Getting a small payment from Google for the work also assisted with my rent, which was a great benefit. The main things I love these days about Google Summer of Code is seeing where all the people I met back then are now. So many of them became really successful and influential in ...
Google Summer of Code ( GSoC ,即 Google 编程之夏)是 Google (谷歌)组织并提供经费,面对全球在读学生的在线编程项目。Google 编程之夏是一个全球性项目,旨在为学生们和开源、自由软件、技术相关的组织建立联系,让学生们贡献代码并获得报酬!组织会提供导师,在学生从熟悉社区到贡献代码的整个过程中提供指导。这个...
Google Summer of Code (GSoC)is a program that offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source projects. Google will be working with several open source, free software, and technology-related groups to identify and fund several projects over a three month period. ...