将如下代码放到function里,之后点击运行,会出现提示给这个脚本授权。 vareventCal=CalendarApp.getCalendarById(xxxxxxx);varspreadsheet=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); Step 3:获得表格内的信息 在获得表格之后,我们就可以通过以下的方法获得表格的数值。 spreadsheet.getRange("C4").getValue(); 如果需要获得一块区...
cal.addPopupReminder(data[i][10]); rangeList.push(`R${i + 3}`); // not sure about that line (It seems to add to the empty list at i +3 https://spreadsheet.dev/array-method-push-in-apps-script } if (rangeList.length == 0) return; ss.getRangeList(rangeList).setValue("creat...
步骤3:复制此代码,然后更改突出显示的部分 注意:选择日历Id。 function scheduleShifts() { var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); var calendarID = spreadsheet.getRange("C4").getValue(); var eventCal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById("calendarId"); var signups = spreadsheet.getRange("A5:C...
function syncCalendarsToSheet() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Calendar Data'); var calendars = ['calendarId1', 'calendarId2']; // 替换为你的日历ID calendars.forEach(function(calendarId) { var events = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(calendarId).getEvents...
As soon as an event gets cancelled in Google Calendar, this setup instantly updates a Google Sheets spreadsheet with the event details. Experience smooth record-keeping and enhanced organization.When this happens... Event Cancelled Triggers when an event is cancelle...
var cal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(mycal); var events = cal.getEvents(new Date("April 24, 2023 00:00:00 CST"), new Date("June 30, 2023 23:59:59 CST")); var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); sheet.clearContents();
Here's the quick version of how to create a calendar in Google Sheets: Create a blank spreadsheet in Google Sheets. In the A1 cell, type the month and year (e.g., January 2024). Highlight cells A1 through G1, and click Merge cells. In the second row, fill in the days of the...
59 UTC"));varsheet=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();sheet.clearContents();varheader=[["Calendar ...
Here’s how to create your own calendar in Google Sheets. 1. Start with a blank spreadsheet Just like in the Docs version, your first step is to open a blank spreadsheet, give it a name, and start by labeling the year, month or week you’d like to start with. ...
To rename the calendar, click onUntitled spreadsheetand type in the new title. Step 4 Now it’s time to fill in your calendar. You can start in any cell and insert whatever information you like. But I recommend that you begin at B3. It’s not because of the appearance. Instead, becau...