This repository is deprecated. All of its content and history has been moved to googleapis/google-cloud-node. - googleapis/nodejs-speech
Google Speech Api凭据的代理身份验证 、、、 我正在尝试配置google speech api,以便在公司防火墙内的项目中工作。builder.setCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider);SpeechClient.create(settings); 使用此命令可在代理网络外部正常工作,并启动语音识别会话。但它无法转录代理认证网络下的任何内容,并超时并出现此错误...
Google Text-to-Speech for NodeJS (Unofficial API) How to install npm install node-gtts How to use 1. Save audio file var gtts = require('node-gtts')('en'); var path = require('path'); var filepath = path.join(__dirname, 'i-love-you.wav');, 'I love you...
步骤一:在 GCP 项目上启用 Speech-to-Text API 步骤二:创建一个服务账号 步骤三:创建服务帐号凭据密钥及下载 步骤四:设置身份验证环境变量 激活cloud shell 1. 创建新的 Node.js 应用目录: $mkdir speech-to-text-nodejs 2. 将 speech-to-text-nodejs 目录设置为您的 Cloud Shell 工作区并打开: $cd spee...
Install NodeJS 8.x.x or newer. Follow Step 1 and Step 2on this Google Speech API quickstart page. Save the JSON file it gives you somewhere handy. Have ALSA set up for audio. If thearecordcommand is not available, you might need a package likealsa-utils. ...
Google Cloud Storage是一种可扩展的云存储服务,为开发者提供了存储和检索大规模数据的能力。Node.js是一种基于JavaScript的开发语言,常用于构建服务器端应用程序。JSON API是一种用于使用JSON进行数据交换的Web服务接口规范。 当使用Google Cloud Storage的Node.js库和JSON API尝试列出文件夹...
Simple node.js library for google text to speech google tts text-to-speech api ildarsham• 1.1.1 • 4 years ago • 0 dependents • MITpublished version 1.1.1, 4 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT 90 @kenshiroo/gtts Fork of node-gtts, Google Text-to-Speech for NodeJS (...
If the service is not listed above, google-api-nodejs-client interfaces with additional Google Cloud APIs using a legacy REST interface. When building Node.js applications, preference should be given to the libraries listed in the table. Enabling APIs Before you can interact with a given Google...
Google API Extensions for Node.js (gax-nodejs) is a set of modules which aids the development of APIs for clients and servers based ongRPCand Google API conventions. Application code will rarely need to use most of the classes within this library directly, but code generated automatically from...